MACHINE period with minus value - page 18


Oh, for fuck's sake! Metas (Metastock) has a turkey like that. Forecast. There's also MESA - on the same theme.

You've got to be kidding me. Everything was invented long ago. Or are you so dumb...

Links please....

Links please....

What the hell are the links...

Download Metas and search for what you need there.

The thirst for free stuff is unstoppable.


The green Mash is native, the red is 'mirrored' relative to the closing price.
Is that what you want?

no answers for MT4?
no answers for MT4?

Without the right questions, there can be no right answers.


The green Mash is native, the red is 'mirrored' relative to the closing price.
Is that what you want?

according to you the red wagon is mirrored to the green one, relative to the common centre between them????? o_o
The red one is mirrored in relation to the closing price of each bar.
The red one is mirrored relative to the closing price of each bar.

"As an option I suggested, replace the shift with a period with a minus value..... i.e. mirror the wand, relative to the chart, with a positive period. "( from the first post)
Sergei, do you not believe that the two graphs are mirror images?
Or have you realised that this is not what you want?
Or should they be mirrored relative to something else? Then make it clear.
I'll mirror them in relation to whatever you want. And I'll post the code. Free of charge! (I'm being kind today)
Sergei, do you not believe that the two graphs are mirror images?
Or have you realised that's not what you want?

are you telling me that your red mashup is as flattened as the green one??????