Looking for a competent manager - page 8


I do not understand why some people are surprised here. The average monthly yield of 10% with a max drawdown of 20% - is it beyond fantasy? They are quite achievable.

And as for why a successful trader needs it, it's a strange question. Why would anyone trade with their 5k, if they can trade with 25k and earn much more (in absolute terms), while not risking their own money. You have to be a fool not to give up this opportunity. Especially since 25k is the minimum.

The only thing, of course, that is not clear the sense of limitations on the length of transactions. I recommend removing this absurd point, otherwise most potential candidates are eliminated, because many successful traders trade medium- and long-term.

By the way, what the author describes is short-term trading, not medium-term (as he calls it). Medium-term trading is usually understood as holding positions for several days to several months.

Are these normal points?

3) Existence of stops and take-profits in trades (this shows that the trader has a plan. Many here may say that they use mental stop-loss to prevent the broker from getting taken off, but having one is much better than having none)

4) An adequate stop and take profit ratio so that there is not a stop of 150 pips and a take profit of 15 pips.

Who should THESE questions give a fuck about how I trade?

They do not concern a sane investor.

His filters are more similar, not to find "Competent Managers", but to lure THEIR GRAILS and lure them into the pit under THIS pattern he has painted!


I'm going to put in my little three cents. I will explain it point by point:

1. The account must be a real account starting from 5000 dollars.
If he is already playing with this kind of money, why does he need you?

2. Minimum history of six months.
If the person has been playing in the market for such a long time (and with such money...), then again, why does he need you?

The presence of stops and take-profits in the trades, it shows that the trader has a plan.
Does this tell you that the trader has a plan? What plan? If everything was according to plan, no one would use manual trading! But, for some reason (why?), no one has created a grail yet... So we go by our instincts. How do I know where the market will turn? I close all orders when I understand that I should start opening in another direction.

The stop³ ratio is appropriate so that your stop should not be 150 points and take profit 15 points.
Do you need a trader or a boy to tell you what to do and how to do it? Although, personally, I agree with this position in general.

5. Lack of "grid" floating trades. What will he do when the market goes up? It seems to me he will sell again. And what if the pair was moving 1000-1500 pips in a week?
Again, do you want a trader who makes money or who makes moves that seem right to you? If you are so right, trade on your own!
P.S. Have you never heard of hedging? Oh, right, that's probably why you need a trader...

6. Maximum floating drawdown of all positions in your account - no more than 200 pips
I don't understand what you're talking about, but it's about some kind of limitations invented by a super trader who wants to invest his money in another trader, because he himself as a trader - no way! No, I'm not saying that if you don't understand trading you must be an idiot. It's different for everyone. I, for example, don't understand guitar playing, but I like music! But I don't tell the guitar player how to play the guitar - I just want the music to be cool.

7. Medium-term trading (5-20 trades a week) and short-term (up to several hours)
Here we go again, some kind of clichés of "good trading"! Do you want the number of deals or the profit made? It has nothing to do with one and the other. It's a matter of trader's style and nothing else!

P.S. I know scalpers who do 100 trades a day. I also know my best friend (and my teacher) who after the hospital realized that he cannot go back to his previous job (full-time) and Forex is his life! He mortgaged his flat for 50 fucking grand quid. He had no way back. Taking 100 quid a week didn't suit him any more... So he waited four months for a gold deal. And then he made 600 pips in two days for the whole deposit! 300 thousand! In the next four trades for another year he became a millionaire! And this after more than two years of "standard" trading, which in the end did not yield anything (regarding the final strategy)!!!

8. The drawdown in equity (equity, not the balance) is not more than 20%.
I'm not going to couch on the nuances, because in general, this is a normal requirement for the risks from the customer's point of view (but not the trader, of course).

9. Returns from 10% per month
Again, it's a matter of risk/return ratio here. It is a bit incorrect (for example, if there is a surplus open order, it is sort of on the plus side, but not until it closes), but such a request is there.

10. Negative trades should be about the same all the time
What if the trader is using a hedging technique? There can be negative orders of 500 pips or more! The other point is that the plus orders by the amount (and not necessarily by the number of points) are used to exceed the losses of the minus orders - PROFIT! Otherwise, this is just a clever way of losing money, not trading.

11. The deals should hang for a couple of hours and at most a couple of days is ideal.
It's almost like point number 7 - do you want profit or transaction time? If I, let's say, open in a trend with an approximate length of 1000 pips... day one: price has passed 40 pips (960 left), do I have to close the trade because a day has passed? Or an hour, or two...? ??? Where is the logic? Along the way, on internal corrections, will be doping targeted (161 Fibo, for example), doping untargeted (to the end of the trend, and where is it, when is it?), but why close the original first (and the best in terms of entry) order??? Although, who am I asking...? You do not know all this and that is why you need a trader


1. personally, I am not interested in your investments, because I am a trader! As I wrote earlier (not in this thread) you cannot buy a trader with money. You cannot buy a trader with money, it contradicts the very essence of a trader. If he is interested in your money, then he is not a real trader.

2. You don't know and may be offended by this, but you won't. All this I wrote just to egoistically make fun of the nubs (like you, but don't be ashamed or offended, please), thus giving yourself a kind of fun (this is an open forum)

3) Hee hee, ha ha! Bye everyone! :))))


I do not understand why some people are surprised here. The average monthly yield of 10% with a max drawdown of 20% - is it beyond fantasy? It is quite achievable.

It is a grail.

I'm going to put in my little three cents. I will explain it point by point:

1. Account must be real from 5000 dollars
If a man is already playing with this money, why do he need you?

2. The minimum history of six months
If the person has been playing in the market for such a long time (and with such money...), then again, why does he need you?

3. the presence of stops and take profits in trades. it shows that the trader has a plan
it shows that the trader has a plan? What plan? If everything was according to plan, no one would use manual trading! But, for some reason (why?), no one has created a grail yet... So we go by our instincts. How do I know where the market will turn? I close all orders when I understand that I should start opening in another direction.

4. an adequate stop³ ratio, so that your stop would not be 150 pips and take profit 15 pips
Look, do you need a trader or a boy to whom you tell what to do and how to do it? Although, personally, I agree with this position in general.

5. Lack of "grid" floating trades. What will he do when the market goes up? It seems to me he will sell again. And what if the pair was moving 1000-1500 pips in a week?
Again, you need a trader who makes money or who makes moves that seem right to you. If you are so correct, trade for yourself!
P.S. Haven't you heard of hedging? Oh, right, that's probably why you need a trader...

6. A maximal floating drawdown on all positions in the account no more than 200 points
Well, here, I personally do not really understand what you mean, but okay, again about some kind of restrictions invented by a super trader who wants to invest his money in another trader, because, apparently, he himself as a trader - nothing! - Oh, yes! Hee-hee... No, I'm not saying that if you don't understand trading you must be an idiot. It's different for everyone. I, for example, don't understand guitar playing, but I like music! But I don't tell the guitar player how to play the guitar - I just want the music to be cool.

7. Medium term trading (5-20 trades per week) and short term (up to a few hours)
Here we go again, some stamps of "proper trading"! Do you want the number of deals or the profit made? It has nothing to do with one and the other. It's a question of the trader's style and that's all!

P.S. I know scalpers who do 100 trades a day. I also know my best friend (and my teacher) who after the hospital realized that he cannot go back to his previous job (full-time) and Forex is his life! He mortgaged his flat for 50 fucking grand quid. He had no way back. Taking 100 quid a week didn't suit him any more... So he waited four months for a gold deal. And then he made 600 pips in two days for the whole deposit! 300 thousand! In the next four trades for another year he became a millionaire! And this after more than two years of "standard" trading, which in the end did not yield anything (regarding the final strategy)!!!

8. Drawdown in equity (equity, not balance) is not more than 20%
I will not shrink on the nuances, because in general, this is a normal requirement for the risks from the customer's point of view (but not the trader, of course).

9. Profitability from 10% per month
Again, it's a matter of risk to profit ratio here. It's a little incorrect (for example, if there is a surplus open order, it is sort of on the plus side, but not until it closes), but such a request has a place.

10. Negative trades must be about the same all the time
What if the trader uses hedging trading technology? There can be negative orders of 500 pips or more! The other point is that the plus orders by the amount (and not necessarily by the number of points) are used to exceed the losses of the minus orders - PROFIT! Otherwise, this is just a clever way of losing money, not trading.

11. Deals must hang for a couple of hours and at most a couple of days - this is ideal
It's almost like in point number 7 - do you want profit or time of transaction? If I, let's say, open into a trend with an approximate length of 1000 pips... day one: price has passed 40 pips (960 left), do I have to close the trade because a day has passed? Or an hour, or two...? ??? Where is the logic? Along the way, on internal corrections will be dokupi targeted (161 Fibo, for example), dokupi non-target (to the end of the trend, and where is it, when is it?), but why close the original first (and the best in terms of entry) order??? Although, who am I asking...? You do not know all this and that is why you need a trader


I am not personally interested in your investments, because I'm a trader! As I said before (not in this thread) you cannot buy a trader with money. You cannot buy a trader with money, it contradicts the very essence of a trader. If he is interested in your money, then he is not a real trader.

2. All this I wrote only for egoistic purposes to make fun of the nubs (like you, but do not be ashamed or take offense, please), thus bring a kind of fun (this is an open forum)

3. Hee-hee, ha-ha! Bye everyone! :))))

You want a trader who makes money or who makes moves that seem right to you. If you're so right, trade for yourself! - GOLDEN WORDS!!!

9. Profitability from 10% per month - that's with profit reinvestment MUCH more than 120% of your starting DEP per year! And all this pleasure at a maximum drawdown of 20% - THIS IS THE GRAIL (Paukas), this time right! :-)


To the starter:

"Dear traders naturally this is all discussed depending on your TS." - No way? Really, for that much?

Don't embarrass yourself, ask the moderators to wipe this nonsense of conditions from the first post of the branch, then there will still be some adequacy and sanity to your quest.


This whole thing is like a kindergarten forex show! Who's cooler as a piper or a positioner?! Or maybe the toughest martingale grider?

I have a deposit of about 5000 now and I'm looking for investors! I earned 100k easier with 200k from investors than with 5k of my own.

I don't place stops, because during the rollover spreads reach ugly numbers. I will be taken out of the Expert Advisor at once! In my trading strategy I place virtual stops. I traded with an Expert Advisor, the stops are virtual, not because the broker "didn't see" them. I should not look back from such a broker!

Obviously, no one has the right to tell the trader how to trade. Except in cases where the trade is radically different from the trading style that the trader showed earlier.

By the way, I do not have a half-year history of profitable trading! But my account profit is more than 6000% within 100 days!

Now about the negative trades (this point is the bottom line!) Trader turns over or leaves the trade, not because he/she earned 100 points, but because the market turns around! It does not matter on what TF to trade on, even on a minute one, even on a day. And if a deal turned to the downside, the price rolled back, but is going to continue trending, then it's time to turn over! What the same minuses we can talk about here?

All of you are reading all the nonsense on this site just because you want money. Therefore, no one is interested in the way you are going to earn it, except your investors.

Trader is not a profession and not a vocation, it is a way of making money.


I have a deposit of about 5000 now and I'm looking for investors! Because it's easier to make 100k on investor's 200k and not on your own 5k.

Honestly, it's a serious question:

If an investor gives you 200 thousand (from which, of course, it's easier to get up) and you lose it!? Of course, no one enters with the whole deposit, so it won't take away at once, but... Suppose, but theoretically it is possible, twenty initial transactions in a row-erroneous (what is happening in the market - is not clear, some bullshit), the deposit is not already 200 thousand will be, and the thousand 20 (even 80 thousand) - nerves are already going to hell!!! Hands are shaking... They will pay for 200 thousand rubles (we are not talking about rubles, are we?) even if they shake their head at the risks, saying that all can be lost, no guarantees, we understand... A hole in the head will be made on principle! If you're so sure of yourself, wouldn't it be better to take a loan from a bank? That way you don't have to share it with anyone...


All of you read all the nonsense on this site just because you want money.

You're wrong, Boris. A lot of people read just for the fun of it.

You're wrong, Boris. A lot of people read just for laughs.

Good words, Yuri Venediktovich !!!:))

Author, any luck with the search?