Looking for a competent manager - page 9


I didn't say I would take 200k from one person. Also, with large trading volumes there is a liquidity problem. For example, i'm currently trading 7-10 lots. for 100k i could trade 70-100 lots. But there will be slippage at such volume. I.e. risks would have decreased purely technically. That is why one has to know how to lose up to 20k on such conditions.

Now the question of credit... With an investor, you can negotiate a drawdown. With a bank, never.


I think it's a great disguised pyramid scheme.

liked the answer:

  • Why do you trade only on GBP/USD?
  • Answer from Vladimir: My trading system cannot be mechanized, it always has an intuitive component, so you have to be present at the terminal all day long. My experience shows that it's better to concentrate on one currency pair. And GBP/USD is chosen because of good volatility and suitable session times. But by and large I don't care which currency to trade.

    So, this is it! This guy trades by instinct, and even so stable!

  • Why do you not use PAMM accounts?
  • Answer from Vladimir: I have already tried to work with PAMM accounts. But as my experience has shown, when a PAMM account starts to develop and bring profit, increasing the investors' growth, the brokerage companies start to interfere in various ways (requotes, slippage, stop-losses, etc.) to get a constant profit. I have encountered it more than once. The fact is that in fact the majority of brokers are "kitchen" and do not carry out direct transactions to the market.

    At the same time the monitoring is MT4Live? i.e. mettraders'.

    To my mind it's a very well disguised pyramid!


    I didn't say I would take 200k from one. Also, with large trading volumes there is a liquidity problem. For example, i'm currently trading 7-10 lots. for 100k i could trade 70-100 lots. But there will be slippage at such volume. I.e. risks would have decreased purely technically. That is why one has to know how to lose up to 20k on such conditions.

    Now the question of credit... A drawdown can be negotiated with an investor. with a bank - never.

    Where did you get this information...

    ..., brokerage companies start to interfere in various ways (requotes, slippage, knocking down stops, etc.) to make consistent profits. I have encountered it more than once.

    A broker gets in the way of a bad dancer.

    Funny site. Where do you trade?

    Forex forex. What difference does it make?

    Are these normal points?

    3) Presence of stops and take-profits in trades (this shows that the trader has a plan. many here may talk about using a mental stop to keep the OC from going bust, but having one is much better than not having one)

    4) An adequate stop and take profit ratio so that there is not a stop of 150 pips and a take profit of 15 pips.

    Who should THESE questions give a fuck about how I trade?

    They do not concern a sane investor.

    His filters are more like not to find "Competent Managers", but to lure THEIR GRAILS and lure them into a pit under THIS pattern he has painted!

    The third point is absolutely correct. who is interested in a trader without a plan and without brakes? The statistics for six months alone does not give a complete picture of the trader. Maybe, the trader just had a good period.

    And with the fourth point, of course, you can argue. There are different strategies. However, based on the experience of successful traders, we can conclude that in the long run only strategies with the profit greater than the loss survive. This is the reality. "Increase profit and cut loss" - it wasn't invented by accident, do you think?

    And if I understand correctly, Daniel is looking for traders to work in some fund, not individually. Therefore, the requirements for the trading system and discipline are quite appropriate. Otherwise, all sorts of martingaleyniki, avalanches, griders and other evil things will come and sell out the entire fund at once :). And then Daniel will have to answer to investors.


    I'm going to put in my little three cents. I'll spell it out point by point:

    1. You have to have a real account with minimum deposit of 5000 USD.
    If a person is already playing with this kind of money, then why does he need you?

    2. Minimum history of six months.
    If the person has already been playing in the market for so long (and with that kind of money...), then again, why does he need you?

    Six months is "so long ago" and 5k is "so much money"... Well, well, you'll go far... Maybe for you 5 kilobaks - it's a lot of money, but for many other people - it's nothing. Live with them, making 10% per month, it is unlikely to succeed. And to unwind them to 25k for example, will take about a year and a half (assuming 10% per month and full reinvestment). This begs the question, why waste time if you can now trade large amounts, and a year and a half years to have not 25k, and 250k. Or are you a masochist?

    Daniel, we can discuss your proposal.

    Interested in traders who are ready for serious long-term work with sums of 25k and more

    The requirements are as follows:

    1) The account must be a real from 5000 dollars (so that the trader feels responsible for his actions).

    2) The minimum history of six months (of course, the more the better).

    3) Existence of stops and take-profits in transactions (this shows that the trader has a plan. Many may say that they use mental stop, but its presence is much better than the absence).

    4) Adequate stop and take profit ratio, so that there is no stop of 150 pips and take profit of 15 pips.

    5)* Absence of "grid" floating trades like these: http://prntscr.com/fdehi It looks like a casino to me, and the hope will go down... What will he do tomorrow, when the market goes up? I think he will sell again... What if it will be 2008, 2010, when the pair passed 1000-1500 points within a week.

    6) * Maximum floating drawdown on all positions on the account is not more than 200 points.

    7) * Mid-term trading (5-20 trades a week) and short-term (up to several hours).

    8) * Drawdown of equity (of equity, but not of balance) is not more than 20% (and the risks should be such, that if the client consciously increases the risk in 3 times on his account, the account should not fail, but the drawdown should be large).

    9) * Profitability of 10% per month (again, when the risks increase, the profitability should increase, but the account should not be drained)

    10) Negative trades should be equal (for example, it is quite normal when negative trades are 40-60-80 points, but negative ones, like 200-300 points, do not fit here. If this is observed, it means that trader is more dependent on luck, than on plan)

    11) *Offers may hang for a couple of hours or at most for a couple of days.

    this is the ideal... i am unlikely to find it )

    Dear traders of course all this is discussed depending on your TS.

    Write offers in private messages

    Meat: The question is, why waste time if you can already trade large sums now and in a year and a half have not 25k but 250k.

    Well yes, if it works out, of course. People love geometric progressions - not realising that relative drawdowns increase manifold if assessed by trading without reinvestment alone.

    2 maikfin: I don't understand where your response to the quotes is. Your intelligence should be enough to figure out how to respond to posts so that the author's and responder's words are clearly distinguishable.

    Well mine was enough.

    In short - not a single competent manager. Everyone is illiterate.