a flaw in MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5 - restrictions on EA trading - page 6


Well it is possible to write a new one, it is possible to add all levels of checking ( at least add - don't go - no money). But as it is, the controller doesn't see it and does it ( already there will be less appeals....))

Well, not much less. with 30 open pairs.

If anyone knows, besides OrderSend, OrderClose, OrderModify,RefreshRates() (it is clear that these commands need to be addressed to the server)

which other comm ands address the server directly and do not read information from a buffer received on a new tick?

In particular, I am interested in commands MarketInfo, OrderTotal, OrderSelect, OrderProfit - do they read information from the buffer or address the server separately?


a question on the subject, who knows - apart from OrderSend, OrderClose, OrderModify,RefreshRates() (it is clear that the commands mentioned require a server call)

First of all RefreshRates does not call the server. Secondly, none of the commands directly calls the server.

Well, not much less. With 30 open pairs.

Look at the log - most of it - no money.

that 30 currencies. This just goes to show - you have to take a piece of paper, think about it - and do it properly.

First, RefreshRates does not make an appeal to the server. Secondly, no command directly addresses the server.

So the situation described by the topicstarter, in principle, is not worth a bollocks?

Let me explain - I am also working on multicurrency and I was wondering about the number of commands I mentioned above.

If you don't mind explaining, which commands load the server and can cause a lot of attention from DC?


So the situation described by the topicstarter, in principle, is not worth a bollocks?

Let me explain - I am also working on multicurrency and I was wondering about the number of commands I mentioned above.

If you don't mind explaining, what commands are loading the server and can cause a lot of attention from DC?

You should consider how often the following functions are called : OrderSend(), OrderClose(), OrderModify(), OrderCloseBy(), OrderDelete(). Frequent calls of all other functions will only affect speed of your program, but not frequency of requests to the server.
You should consider how often the following functions are called: OrderSend(), OrderClose(), OrderCloseBy(), OrderModify(). Frequent calls to all other functions will only affect the speed of the program, but not the frequency of requests to the server.

thanks for the unambiguous answer

thanks for the unequivocal answer

You're welcome! :))

Better yet, read this chapter of the textbook. There you will find the answer to the ambiguity you have been led into! ;)))))

You should consider how often the following functions are called: OrderSend(), OrderClose(), OrderModify(), OrderCloseBy(), OrderDelete(). Frequent calls of all other functions will only affect the speed of your program, but not the frequency of requests to the server.
Ask Vadim what else way (commands) you can "piss off" the server without using the mentioned functions.

in someone else's crippled EA, you mean that Metatrader is crookedly written
I thought we were talking about your EA (as a special case)...