PAMM is a scam - page 8


Well, the main thing is that it is not a dull and steady drain (I remembered "It's not the equity, it's the stability!").

There is a steady demand for rollercoasters. And so - we buy cheap and sell expensive (but according to PAMM balance)...

It's hard to play on such slides, I think. Although, if I can see the stability - why not?) The manager plays the role of a market maker and the investors play the role of traders.) The market maker will always win, and 80% of the traders will sell out*)
Can you provide links to these PAMMs?

Email me.

Can you give me links to these PAMMs?

Only there from 10K

email me.

only there from 10K

True, I've only got 10 quid so far - I'll be opening a cent. But still...


True, I only have 10 quid so far - I'll be opening a cent. But still...

Add a little to 10k and you can get in on the offer.

With such capitals, even if 10% a month will be stable, yak for the Internet and electricity costs will not pay off. Better to subscribe to the signals of any participant and the first ten ATC-2012. And the signals are free and the probability of raising the deposit is non-zero, at least to the level of overhead payback.


Add a little extra to 10k and you can get into an offer.

With such capitals, even if 10% a month will be stable, you will not pay back your expenses for internet and electricity. Better to subscribe to the signals of any participant and the first ten ATC-2012. The signals are free and there is a probability of raising the deposit to at least the overhead cost recovery level.

Thanks for the tip. I don't know where to go. I'll sit in the graalepisers for now*)


True, I only have 10 quid so far - I'll be opening a cent. But still...

They don't take less than 10K to manage

They don't take less than 10K in management
I'd like to see the chart and stats of these PAMMOs. Or are you afraid I'll jinx it?
Roman.:Yeah! That's a bitch! So much for Yusuf, so much for f-la (18)...

The formula has nothing to do with it at all, the most disgusting style of trading has been chosen: loss averaging with overshooting,

in view of the PAMM's lifespan - it's not the first time he's outlived, but his luck can't last forever, I suspect that the case is nearing a denouement.....

The formula has nothing to do with it, the most disgusting style of trading has been chosen: averaging with overshooting, due to the longevity of PAMM life - it is not the first time he is overshooting, and his luck cannot last forever, I suspect that it is close to a denouement.....

I agree!

I have already asked him about it in his branch...