PAMM is a scam - page 4

If granny had balls, she'd be a grandfather.

There was a conversation about nothing. Now it's about eggs.)

Actually, the author's right. Instead of investing in PAMMs, you'd better buy the Euro.

The commissions are an order of magnitude lower, and the probability is an order of magnitude greater.

paukas: It's not the opposite. Opposites are when one sells in the same place where the other buys.

And buys from the same place where the other one sells.

Where's the profit? Where one sells or where the other buys? ))))
Where is the profit? Where one sells or where the other buys? ))))

Profits are in the bags.

If you subtract the purchase price from the sale price, multiply the difference by the direction of the trade and subtract the commission, there is a profit.

But probably not.

paukas: Profit in bags.
The ones under your eyes?
Under the eyes?

You know the orphan bag?

The normal one's 40kg and this one's 50kg.

paukas: You know the orphan bag?

The normal one is 40kg and this one is 50kg.

I'm not good with that slang ))))
paukas: If you subtract the buying price from the selling price, multiply the difference by the direction of the trade and subtract the commission, there will be a profit.

But probably not.

The question was different. Profit for one or the other? So as not to lose)))
The question was different. Is it a profit for one or the other? So as not to lose)))

Well, according to this formula, which is cooler than (17) Yusuf, :)))

If you change the trading direction of a profitable one, it turns into a loss-making one instantly and irrevocably.

And if a loss-making trade turns into a profitable one if the commission is less than half of the total loss.

If it's more than half, then it keeps on going down the drain.



... If the casino suits you, no questions asked.....))))

After the casino closes, where are its zealous fans to go? PAMM is the right place for them to hang out).

Well, according to this formula, which is cooler than Yusuf's (17), :)))

If you change ......

The magic word is "if" ......))))

I invested 200 ue in a pamm and I lost it. If it had reversed direction and flipped I would have been a millionaire....)))

If only it would've been.....))