FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 19: September 2012) - page 255

Actually, he had already finished his press conference... It started at 4pm Kiev time...
Told either that there is nothing better in the world than the EU )))))
Told either that there is nothing better in the world than the EU )))))

Nothing new... "The Euro is irreversible!!!"

Merkel should be talking to him now

Nothing new... "The Euro is irreversible!!!"
Well yes according to the graph, the Euro is irreversible....
Soon Geithner is going to pepper the Jew with macro data and the quid seems to be OK ))))

*ECB president Draghi: We are going through tough times

*Draghi: Economic growth remains very uneven

*Draghi: Some eurozone countries are experiencing a correction, a recession

*Draghi: Economic growth will resume next year

*Draghi: There is progress in the strengthening of the eurozone

*Draghi: There is reason for optimism if authorities continue reforms

*Draghi: ECB continues to ensure price stability

*Draghi: Eliminating unfounded fears about the euro supports price stability

*Draghi: Our efforts can only pave the way for a stable future

*Draghi: Market rebound needs to strengthen countries' commitment to reform

*Draghi: Strong fiscal consolidation in eurozone

*Draghi: Authorities reform eurozone governance

*Draghi: The countries in greatest need are adjusting their budgets more than others
*Draghi: We are struggling with competitiveness discrepancies 
*Draghi: Fiscal pact seriously improved fiscal policy management 
*Draghi: Single Oversight should improve stability of the financial system 
*Draghi: Changing the balance sheet, reforming governance 
*Draghi: ECB has bolstered confidence by addressing unfounded fears about the euro 
*Draghi: Significant differences in borrowing costs reflect unfounded fears about the euro 
*Draghi: Monetary policy cannot work properly with large differences in borrowing costs 
*Draghi: I have great respect for the Bundesbank 
*Draghi: Governing council shares many of the Bundesbank's concerns 
*Draghi: I share many of the Bundesbank's concerns about bond purchases 
*Draghi: Early signs point to positive impact of OMT 
*Draghi: Banks and non-financial companies carry out further debt issuance 
*Draghi: It will take time for our actions to affect the system 
*Draghi: There has been a return of real money flows into the euro zone 
*Draghi: Investors are aware that promises have been made 
*Draghi: ECB actions will increase stability 
*Draghi: ECB action for eurozone is in Germany's interest 
*Draghi: Price stability creates a level playing field for German companies
*Draghi: A stable eurozone supports a strong German economy 
*Draghi: ECB measures are aimed at improving stability in the eurozone 
*Draghi: We are committed to maintaining price stability 
*Draghi: ECB bond purchases are not financing governments 
*Draghi: Reforms are a precondition for ECB operations 
*Draghi: We remain vigilant about any risk to price stability 
*Draghi: We continue to ensure price stability 
*Draghi: We take very seriously that citizens trust us, we will not let their trust fall 
*Draghi: ECB actions do not mean that all problems are solved 
*Draghi: Intervention and conditionality needed 
*Draghi: Governments must not relax reforms when conditions improve
*Draghi: Governments must implement significant structural reforms 
*Draghi: ECB guarantees separation of supervision from monetary policy 
*Draghi: Stable monetary union requires proper budgetary control in Europe 
*Draghi: Restoring stability requires extraordinary measures 
*Draghi: New ECB measures do not go beyond mandate 
*Draghi: The euro is irreversible 
Well yes judging by the chart, the Euro is not curable....
2012.09.25 16:26:40 Merkel, Draghi Agree Considerable Willingness to Reform Economies Needed In Europe - German Spokesman
For 1.297, or is that history...?
For 1.297, or is it history...?

that's an immodest question, keep it simple and dive deeper )))) no one knows anything, one thing an hour later something else )))) you need at least the dumbest one like mine then there will be fewer questions )))))