FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 19: September 2012) - page 252

Oh, my God! What garrison?


There's nothing close there in these Polish Czechs who speak German, which is similar to Hebrew, which is closer to the Ecuadorian language spoken by Arabs ))))
You're a fool, sweetheart...

I lived in the Czech Republic in 89-91 too. I miss it so much...(

another spy )))))

In Milovice.

The centre of the CHV... And I'm a year in Bozhi Dare... '87.

By the way, the beginning of the movie with Vin Diesel "Babylon of our era" was filmed on the ruins of Bozhi Dar garrison.


The centre of the CHV... And I'm a year in Bozhi Dare... 87.

By the way, the beginning of the film with Vin Diesel "Babylon of our era" was filmed on the ruins of Bozi Dar garrison.

Yes, DHW)

And in the film Eurotour when there young people came to Bratislava they show the yard and the house where I lived - it was filmed in Milovice)


another spy )))))

Nah, as patriots we went back to fucking Kz with the withdrawal of the Soviets)))

How about a beer?))) Gina, what kind of drinks do you like?)))

Wow! I was born in Temir-Tau!
Did everyone make it....?
Myslím si že na nie je je ukazovateľom. Opytaj SA artikul. Na JE autorom.
ok :) Artikul or anyone who pleas can share this indicator?)