FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 19: September 2012) - page 198


I'm thinking of starting a course:

1) introductory course - trolling easy and trolling together ($100)

2) intensive course - how do I become a troll ? or how to become a troll in 24 hours ? (200 USD)

3) training - how to learn to troll and get everyone around you to troll with you ? (500 USD)

4) Leadership Course - trolling as the meaning of life. The key to understanding trolling ($ 10,000) as a gift a stylish cap with the inscription - a troll, my book Secrets of Trolling autographed, and two audio cassettes.

Approve, income in half ))))

A fifth item, a family trolling event with cult elements, like Moon's )))). You could throw in Hubbard if you get bored.)


Dimitri, what's the owl Articulus showing?

I'm thinking of starting a course:

1) introductory course - trolling easy and trolling together ($100)

2) intensive course - how do I become a troll ? or how to become a troll in 24 hours ? (200 USD)

3) training - how to learn to troll and get everyone around you to troll with you ? (500 USD)

4) The Leadership Course - trolling as the meaning of life. The key to understanding trolling ($ 10,000) for a free stylish troll cap, my autographed book Secrets of Trolling and two audio cassettes.

5) elite trolling - 20K )))
When it's cool and damp in the forest and it's drizzling with nasty rain, you can spend the early morning fascinatingly collecting the gifts of nature))))

no muhamors can compare with chuja watermelon peels dried by Tantrik for winter )))) we'll wait for them to get wet ))))

Dimitri, what is the Articulus owl showing?

The correction level is 3070 for now. in general, there is a lot of recruitment to the bears because there are plenty of bulls ))))

Target is 1.2738 (nearest major(!) support level).

In the long term, 1.1850 and (if it breaks through) 1.12.

Global trend reversal - tentatively in March 2013.

Fibo is in favour in principle.


Correction level is 3070 for now. In general, the bears are being recruited, because the bulls are enough)))
And there are no big bulls in the new contract.

Correction level is 3070 for the time being. in general, there is recruitment to the bears, because there are plenty of bulls)))
And there are no big bulls in sight on the new contract.
Where is the information from?

Where did you get this information?
Senkyu veri mach))))))