FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 19: September 2012) - page 184

Could the 6th week of the no-return also be seen on Fibonacci?
Fibonacci is resting. Took an unpaid holiday and is sunbathing his arse in Turkey.
That's what I'm saying. The Euro/bucks TA is not working at the moment.
Fibonacci is resting. Took an unpaid holiday and is sunbathing his arse in Turkey.
That's what I'm saying. The Euro/bucks TA is not working at the moment.
Was it working before, or was it just hosing it down?
Could the 6th week of the no-return also be seen on Fibonacci?

Well of course you can see it all on the Fibo levels. And by the way 1.32 is not a good level. The maximum we can go up to 1.3340, but we will flit at the ill-fated 1.32. And if the Evra wants to go up (1.42 for example), we will see <1.3000.
That's what I'm saying. The Euro/bucks TA is not working at the moment.

And you're wrong about the no-return thing. There is a big difference between a pullback and a correction. Where were you in December 2008 when the EUR was going up to 550 points a day without pullbacks and corrections, that could be called a no-bounce movement (rally). And now what, it's quite a natural movement.
Well, what do you think it is, a pullback or a correction?
So the shakeout is over, back to the buy or since this morning ?
Has the shake-out passed, are we back in the buy?
what was the sausage about?
Quiet as an arsehole.....Where is everyone?
Quiet as an arsehole ..... Where is everybody?
Here we are))) There's just nothing to discuss)))