FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 19: September 2012) - page 155

There is variation between the DCs, no one is arguing. They attribute it to different information providers. And if the difference of 5-10 pips is not fluctuating, it is believable. But in one brokerage company it may be different for each trader.)

way too much ))))
Has anyone seen Articulus?
Something's starting)))))
Something's starting)))))
In 20 minutes unemployment, someone probably already has an insider, so the movement has started
in 20 minutes unemployment, someone probably already has an insider, so the movement started
up to 1.31 I think?
to 1.31, is it?
Don't. I'm on a different train.
In three hours it will be moving, even a little more
Thursday 13 September 20:30US FOMC companion statement
FOMC Statement
3 hours to go

Thursday, September 13 20:30US Publication of FOMC decision on key interest rate
Federal Open Market Committee Rate Decision
3 hours to go

Thursday, September 13 22:00 hrsUSA Monthly budget execution report
5 hours to go

), they will shake out ))

ZS: a longing pyramid has formed, if everyone sharply closes the logjam, the price will come back, so they will shake out.


), they will shake out ))

ZS: a longing pyramid has formed, if everyone sharply closes the logjam, the price will come back, so they will shake out.

Do you have an approximate shakeout framework based on positions (volumes)?