FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 19: September 2012) - page 142


(this course is artificial)

It has been artificial in all currencies for a long time. All exchange rates are almost synthetic in nature. This is what makes the market inefficient.

extra - YES! - I don't buy it! it can fall off anywhere (this course is artificial)

like that ))))

there you go ))))
bye everyone! - I'm not going to flood the place - anyone needing a weekend forecast, please contact me on the weekend. (not going to embarrass myself)
Bye everyone! - I'm not going to flub - anyone needing weekend forecasts - contact me in person at the weekend. (I'm not going to embarrass myself)

What does that mean? We're the only ones left to embarrass ourselves here... eh...
Bye everyone! - I'm not going to flub - anyone needing weekend forecasts - contact me in person at the weekend. (I'm not going to embarrass myself)

Tantrik...what makes you think anyone needs your or anyone else's forecasts?)))) people chatting here sometimes no more...

Tantrik...what makes you think anyone needs your or anyone else's predictions?)))) people communicate here sometimes no more...
someone who has his own - to compare to think.

What's that supposed to mean? All we have to do is embarrass ourselves... eh...

Tantrik...what makes you think anyone needs your or anyone else's predictions?)))) People chat here sometimes no more...
He won't last long without Stranger on the branch)
for someone who has his own to compare to think about.

what is there to think about? what is there to think about?))

As much as I love fairy tales...but it's just an opinion at a certain point (hand-drawn) without any stats or other tests... what is there to think about? )))

if there was a model...different don't flatter yourself and don't mislead people...and get on with your pam... we still have faith in you...


Can someone please explain to me, how will the Dutch elections, depending on which party wins, affect the Euro or will this event have no impact on the Euro?