FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 19: September 2012) - page 103


That's why we are all our own and the Tantrics are alien to us))) Nomenklatura-s, worse than you go to ...))
Who do you want? - Demoguru? (I'm out of here, the trolls will eat shit!)
Who do you want? - The demoguru? (I'm out of here, the trolls will eat shit!)
Real trolls don't come in here.
The moody trolls don't come in here.
I have a delicate soul - these are enough for me to be negative (I'm getting angry now!)
Come on, it's the calmest topic on this forum :) One writes what's up, the other what's down and yet no one quarrels with anyone - peace and understanding.
Who do you want? - The demoguru? (I'm out of here, the trolls will eat shit!)

We'll eat you up, don't you dare, you're sitting in your trousers for our money!)) I wish I was a good one, but I'm not.)

Gold's uptrend is sustainable - MOFT

06 Sep 2012 14:52

Victory march of "bulls" on gold continues - the price is persistently moving upwards, MOFT analysts state. Yesterday market participants were not very active in relation to the metal and it traded within a narrow range of $1687-1695 per ounce staying below 1700.

On the other hand, the market has been actively buying the precious metal since morning, pushing it to $1712 an ounce. Obviously, the uptrend of gold is stable, as there were no attempts of significant correction, and the metal was limited to insignificant pullbacks.

As experts believe, the main factor affecting the current dynamics of the precious metal, is expected announcement of purchases of assets by ECB and FRS, which, as usual, creates risks of inflationary pressure, and this, in turn, increases demand for gold as a hedge against inflation.

In the meantime, there are certain risks that these programmes will not be introduced. For the ECB, the risk is an adverse decision by the Constitutional Court of Germany with regard to the ESM. And the Fed might well not announce QE3 if US macroeconomic statistics remain positive. In this case disappointment of "bulls" on gold can provoke falling of cost of metal which, most likely, will be limited to area of supports of $1690-1650 ounce, experts note IOFT.

/International Association of Forex Traders

We'll eat you up, don't you dare, you're a pantser for our money)))
Come on, it's the calmest topic on this forum :) One writes what's up, the other what's down and yet no one quarrels with anyone - peace and understanding.

And the adrenaline? As long as I don't fight with everybody in the morning, I sleep)))
Who do you want? - The demoguru? (I'm out of here, the trolls will eat shit!)


Is gray-haired man out of his mind? Or did you put the wrong shit in the tube?

PS: Evra up, then down, then back up and flat again, numbers are up.