FIR filter with minimum phase - page 18


Yeah, too mean... and not clever.

And I certainly wouldn't apologize for the "level."

Moderators are kind, lucky for you.


You can do this... something like this, only you won't draw it yourself, of course, but it'll do for the calculations:

Thank you.
you can, you can... If you had more buffers, you wouldn't have such a hard limit of 8 buffers, and you wouldn't have to make such a big deal out of it...

Maybe MQL5 should be used?

Maybe MQL5 is worth doing?

Unless it's "art for art's sake", so to speak ..... No.

Except to do "art for art's sake" so to speak .... No.
I don't quite get it. You could say it more explicitly. ))
I use MT4.

Yeah, too mean... and not clever.

And I certainly wouldn't apologize for the "level."

Moderators are kind, lucky for you.

Although not allowed to be evil, but very much in essence. So don't go getting a moderator on the kid. It's all bullshit as it is.
Although not allowed to be malicious, it's very substantive. So don't sic the kid on the moderator. It's all bullshit as it is.

Faa, did we step on your favorite econometric pain in the ass?
Although not permissible evil, but very much in essence. So do not sic a moderator on the boy. So much for the bullshit.

1.The right "guys" should criticise with arguments, not stoop to personal assessments.

2) Not in essence, because there is no need to contrast econometrics and DSP.

These are different tools (known and recognized), solving their own problems and may very well complement each other.


1.Правильные "пацаны" должны критиковать аргументировано,а не опускаться до личностных оценок.


Это разные инструменты (известные и общепризнанные),решающие свои задачи  и могущие очень дополнять друг-друга.

is there an example of successful use of DSP in trading?