FIR filter with minimum phase - page 14


..... My kindergarten teacher would take away my pencil and paper in such cases and send me for a walk outside....

Add eight more arrows, colour the squares in different colours and start formalising the mat model


for fuck's sake!
because you shouldn't!

Why would she do that? She's stifled your creativity))
avtomat: Can you present it as a structural diagram?
I knew it, I knew you would show up here!
Demi: Then, you can talk about your "controlling" influence on quotes as an incoming signal and their conversion. But in reality you only monitor the incoming signal and try to find patterns there

No one is talking about the impact on the trader's own quotes, imho. The task is, in particular, to find this OS. And then exploit the found pattern.

You can build a model of this process if you know at least one of two factors:

1. you know all or all of the major market players - you don't know them.

2. you know all or all of the major factors forming the price of financial assets - you don't know them.

Too categorical. Engage abstract thinking, you've already been advised to do so :)

No one is talking about the impact on the trader's own quotes, imho. The task is, in particular, to find this OS. And then to exploit the found pattern.

Too categorical. Use abstract thinking, you have already been advised to do so :)

Then I do not understand what is the OS in your understanding.

Making money is a problem, but giving advice is easy. I can give advice to theoretical physicists who cannot create a unified field theory. The effect is the same

Demi: Making money is a problem, but giving advice is easy. I can give advice to theoretical physicists, who cannot create a unified field theory, to incorporate abstract thinking. The effect is the same.
Sorry, I didn't mean to offend you. It seemed to me that you were a bit stuck in your view of the market. Okay, never mind.
of course, anyone can offend an artist....
I knew, I knew you were bound to show up here!

Hello, Alexei. You're like a psychic ;))) I was passing by, saw a familiar phrase - OS - and stopped to listen :))


More picture):

accounts for the division into speculators and non-speculators.

Speculators are participants whose analysis and decision-making methods are based on emulating the analysis and decision-making methods of other participants. In order to get in before their massive buying or selling (intelligent frontrunning). Inputs to speculators are other people's analysis and decision-making methods. The horizons of analysis depend on the horizons of analysis of those whose methods we try to emulate - whom we frontrun.

It is true that non-price information about the methods of analysis for speculators can be obtained in several ways. 1. Through data buffers for analysis (historical testing) 2. From other sources (insider for example)