FIR filter with minimum phase - page 19


is there an example of successful use of DSP in trading?

1. Are you an econometrician and have you reached the heights of trading? And if you have, why don't you brag about it on every corner?

What do you look for in the quotes, when you try to open a profitable trade?

What is the command - the prompting to give an order?

The answer for you is a signal and nothing else.

The detection of signals, their mathematical representation, processing, measurement, systematization and classification, and decision-making are all done by a lot of adjacent agencies.

(mathematically rigorous) disciplines:

radar, radio engineering, DSP, statistics, TAU, econometrics, metrology - add to the list yourself.

To drop a discipline from the list because of a vague notion of it is not reasonable.


1.Are you an econometrician and have reached the heights of trading? And if you have, why don't you brag about it in every corner?

What do you look for in quotes when you intend to open a profitable trade?

What is the command - the prompting to give an order?

The answer for you is a signal and nothing else.

There are many related disciplines involved in signal detection, mathematical representation, processing, measurement, systematization and classification, and decision-making:

radar, radio engineering, DSP, statistics, TAU, econometrics - add to the list.

To drop a discipline from the list because of a vague notion of it is not reasonable.

Nah, matstatistics and theorist, although it's the same thing. this one... well... I was... sort of... bragging


What is this list? I'm not interested in an abstract list, I'm interested in a list of trading tools. Don't make any empty arguments about lists, vague notions and so on.

They "may complement each other". - any examples of successful use? "Tractor" branch studied, but the first brigade fell in the field to the death of the brave. A second brigade is on the way, but no results so far and I'm frankly depressed by these market schemes... Is there anything else?


Nah, matstatistics and theorist, although it's the same thing. this one... well... I was... sort of... bragging


What's this list? I'm not interested in an abstract list, I'm interested in a list of trading tools. Don't make any empty arguments about lists, vague notions and so on.

They "may complement each other". - any examples of successful use? "Tractor" branch studied, but the first brigade fell in the field to the death of the brave. A second brigade is on the way, but no results so far and I'm frankly depressed by these market schemes... Anything else?

I'm certainly glad if you have surpassed 99 percent of forum participants.

Then what are you looking for here?

Well, brag about it substantially, if you are so eager to show and teach others.

Others may also share their specific achievements and tools.

Although no one is obliged to do it for thanks (and also for money!).


I am certainly glad if you have surpassed 99% of forum participants.

Then what are you looking for here?

Well, brag about it, if you're so eager to show and teach others.

Others may also share their achievements and tools.

No one is obligated to do it for gratitude (or money!).

I read, looking for new ideas. For example, DSP, although I am skeptical - forex is not a digital oscilloscope
well...that's...bragging rights...that's...well...showing
Reading, looking for new ideas. Here, for example, DSP, although I am skeptical - forex is not a digital oscilloscope
well...that's...bragging rights...that's...well...showing

Skepticism is a useful thing, I approve).

Forex is not a digital oscilloscope, that's true.

Just like wine is not a jug in which it is stored.

Although the latter is very convenient and practical to use for operations with content.

Ideas... What kind of ideas?

Block diagrams, algorithms, codes?

(What's wrong with terra firma, not enough for a nice tan in the Canaries?)


What the hell does a digital oscilloscope have to do with it? The quotes coming into the terminal are numerical series, discrete in nature. So the DSP is a tool for dealing with discrete data. In the same way that the apparatus of differential equations is designed to handle continuous data.

But for non-technicians, the words above are an empty phrase, not saying anything to them.

Therefore, the following leading question will be appropriate: Is it possible to scold Pushkin, Tolstoy, Chekhov, because the teacher gave you an unsatisfactory grade in Russian literature?


Meanwhile, the tractor is doing its job ;)))


You love abstract conversations about nothing - one about jugs, the other about literature. Talk about jellyfish.

I am sceptical about DSP because I haven't seen any practical benefit from it. Well, apart from the numerous scribbled pages on the forum.

The tractor, maybe, does the job, but somewhere in the distance. But maybe something will turn up.


You love abstract conversations about nothing - one about jugs, the other about literature. Talk about jellyfish.

I am sceptical about DSP because I haven't seen any practical benefit from it. Well, apart from the numerous scribbled pages on the forum.

The tractor, maybe, does the job, but somewhere in the distance. But maybe something will turn up.

If you are closer to jellyfish, you can also see "goals" and "tools" in the example of jellyfish -- it is important not to confuse one with the other.


I studied the "tractor" branch, but the first brigade died bravely in the field. The second brigade is on its way, but so far there have been no results and I am, frankly, depressed by these market schemes...

So tell me, which results would be considered acceptable, from your point of view, and which would be good or excellent?


But tell us which results would be acceptable, from your point of view, and which would be good or excellent?

trading results. Preferably on the real, but also on the demo, if it is not pipsing
trading results. Preferably on real, but also on demo, if it is not pips.

This is understandable... But my question remains unanswered...

Still: WHAT results would be acceptable from your point of view? (returns, drawdowns and other indicators that are important from your point of view)