Not the Grail, just a regular one - Bablokos!!! - page 96


I would like to inform the public that some time ago TheXpert and Alexander started a betting thread on bwine about Alexander increasing his real roulette deposit by 200 times.

I found this bet interesting and suggested to Alexander to spin my money myself. In the end... he ended up wasting €150 on obscure bonuses, explaining that he didn't understand the site (ahem, well, well).

Further, I offered him to deposit the same amount (150 euros) into my account as a compensation for his failure to understand. As you can imagine, this would have been unrealistic to achieve.

Eventually, he persuaded me to deposit another €10 into the account. He said that with 1 cent stake it would be enough to win back. I was wondering what would happen next, so I poured them into the account.

After that, his roulette game started. And after 254 bets those 10 euros were also drained.

Since there is still 0 euros in the account, I think it is acceptable to accept the bet as lost, and the results should be made public, because this bet was also agreed publicly.

If anyone is interested in the bets - I can provide them, there is nothing special there. I can also provide a screenshot:

It's a good thing I was too lazy to bother). But in principle, it was silly to expect anything else.
Can you explain, in short, simple terms, how and what is calculated in Excel? please.
In the appendix is the same table with explanations in the header.
Attached is the same table with an explanation in the header.

My spreadsheet is giving error #IM?. all over the spreadsheet. Can you fix it?

My spreadsheet is giving error #NAME?. all over the spreadsheet. Can you fix it?
No, I can't fix it. I use Linux and OpenOffice exclusively, and I wish you the same... Try it in OpenOffice.

My spreadsheet is giving error #NAME?. all over the spreadsheet. Can you fix it?
Change the formula for calculating the random number in the first column to a similar one, but understandable to your version of Excel...

В приложении та же таблица с разъяснениями в заголовке.

Thank you.

Anything is converted into a binary system (0100100101), then a filter is applied, then it is converted back and the result appears as ( 01100010 ) - the next most probable market state.

Can we go into details here? (for non-professionals).

thank you.


Many people calculate the probability from the skewed series of pros and cons.

But I see it in a different way. Calculate the probability (not even probability, but I do not know what to call it) of the series falling out not through the increments themselves, but through the modules of the increments.


But of course such cases are rare, so we need to find as many of them as possible.

Very rare. A couple per thousand series, + misses, and again you get the usual ornament game.

Point 4. Note that in the very first point we assigned numbers from 1 to 8 to the series, but we did so arbitrarily. Now we go through all combinations of assignments of numbers from 1-8 to these series, and repeat the rest of the calculations. There's not much logic in it, but it's still oddly reasonable.

This is where I got confused. Can you explain this point in more detail?


Using the Penny Game, the second player is ALWAYS in a better position, because he knows what the first player is betting on.

It's a shame that patterns can only be chosen of the same length