Not the Grail, just a regular one - Bablokos!!! - page 377


No - that indicator will also work - I don't remember if there is a point from the beginning of the day... - the sliding depends on the zero point :) - you can take the beginning of the day or any other time (indicator readings).

I use an indicator

//|Instrument.mq4 |
//|Denis Orlov |
Displaying of candles of any instrument, synchronisation on bars or on day
Displaying of candles of any instrument, synchronisation on bars or on days.

and corrected something about vertical shift...

DaySynch parameter - as an example selects the beginning of the day

Thank you very much. Yes, it's a more advanced indicator, you can move and feed vertically.


Yeah - and it was a simple strategy :) bought sold - like here - buy after sell and vice versa, with a martingale of each hand ... but in the end what a coinflip from 200 to lamas raised

- or 10.000% on the eu - the essence is the same :)

Instead of manse, ole is not put in. Otherwise you would see who is there and what. People just don't have time to pull so much game to stay in the top every month. And you seem to need to keep the top all the time to show "abilities" "Obamas"))).
In all the time of the pair trading rubbish (not just here) not a single person has repeated the hand-wringing of the authors of the threads. But a lot of dunces and a lot of believers. As in religion, there is no brain, even if he will lose, still will believe and carry, believe and carry, believe and carry again.
What can you find in the threads about it?
I read about some black spiders being eaten, and about casinos, and about altars and sacrifices on them, and about a 2-hour boner that is profitable to keep to please a lady from the administration to get the necessary paperwork. It's a mess.
You have to think very hard to stuff your pristine eyes with all that stuff.

Once again Pelevin's quote comes to the rescue on this subject.

"Anyone installs software downloaded from the net to theirdevice with great care. And they can be erased. As a last resort, you can throwthe device away and buy a new one. But a person trustingly puts whatever he wants on the main disk in his head, which cannot be replaced before he dies. Immediately and with songs burns in the neurons for all their short "always."

In all the time of the doubles trading rubbish (not just here) not a single person has repeated the hand-wringing of the authors of the threads. But there are a lot of dupes and a lot of believers. As in religion, there is no brain, even if he will lose, still will believe and carry, believe and carry, believe and carry again.
What can you find in the threads about it?
I read about some black spiders being eaten, and about casinos, and about altars and sacrifices on them, and about a 2-hour boner that is profitable to keep to please a lady from the administration to get the necessary paperwork. It's a mess.
You have to think very hard to stuff your pristine eyes with all that stuff.

Once again Pelevin's quote comes to the rescue.

"Anyone installs software downloaded from the net on theirdevice with great care. And they can be erased. As a last resort, you can throwthe device away and buy a new one. But a person trustingly puts whatever he wants on the main disk in his head, which cannot be replaced before he dies. Immediately and with songs burns in the neurons for all their short "always."

There's a sequel, but it's not politically correct...

Anyway, it's better to start sacrifices and eat spiders...


Yeah - and it was a simple strategy :) bought sold - like here - buy after sell and vice versa, with a martingale of each hand ... but in the end what a coinflip from 200 to lamas raised

- or 10.000% on the eu - the essence is the same :)

as the saying goes - whatever you open, as long as you close with less ;)


it's better to start sacrificing and eating spiders already...

If you look at it from the perspective of who gets sacrificed on that altar and served spiders with a red semi-sweet, then yes, better. If you look at it from the perspective of the spiders and the flock being sacrificed, I doubt it.

Besides, it's at least not fair.
spiders aren't told they've been brought in to be eaten.
They have been summoned under the slogans "feed them all" and share the feast together without being told that they are the feast.

(Wiggling his paean) Though what's honesty these days...

Honey, if you had studied in detail the neurological mechanism of human sense, understanding, humor and other epiphenomena of consciousness, there would be no so-called "romance" left at all.

Sweetheart, if you were thoroughly acquainted with those processes and their nature, on which you are going to spin the whole world around you, earning millions, there would be no so-called "romance" left at all.

What, however, are useful forum trashers - the "pearl" of useful information they bury in their verbal diarrhea :)

Soon nobody will notice that there should be TWO legs in pair trading - consisting of at least two financial instruments in a leg (more is possible) and that the charts of aggregate equities of these legs should run almost mirror-like - so that one of the legs could earn 50 points a day :) (if I do not waste positions)

So that nobody would be able to repeat it :)

Thanks a lot, forum flooders :)

SZS - so fellow citizens can't draw a higher conclusion - based on an underlying basis :)

Comrade Bender, if you, pardon me, decided to poop around the circle, would that also need to be repeated?
I would like to eat the brain of at least one living parishioner who got something sensible out of the repetition of the same verbiage. But alas.

Only the great investors are left.
Barak Husseinovich alone is worth a lot.