Not the Grail, just a regular one - Bablokos!!! - page 633


That was childish nonsense about "reading books" on your part, a man with no basic knowledge of financial markets. And other nonsense)))

I already wrote you, where's the specifics, what's the bullshit? You can't even give a reasoned answer, how can you figure out the charts?

You and the baby need the charts, I don't need them.

BA he trades .....



Renat Akhtyamov:

You're the one with the crumb who needs the charts, I don't need them.

BA he trades .....



Do you realise that you are writing this nonsense? What is this "crumb" and why do I need charts with it? Why don't you google it before you embarrass yourself here?


Do you have any idea what you're writing about? What's a "crumb" and why do I need charts with it? Why don't you google it before you embarrass yourself here?

You didn't go. I can see that to the naked eye.

Just send me the link, let's have a laugh.

Well, then let me point out your error of searching for a definition or a misunderstanding in the question and answer - who is BA


Renat Akhtyamov:

You haven't been there yet, you can see that with the naked eye.

Give me a link to what you found there, at least let's have a laugh.

and then okay, I'll point out your mistake of looking for a definition or a misunderstanding in the question and answer - who is BA


Why, can't you just point it out? You are silent by the way your understanding of what is an underlying asset, have nothing to say or what?

ZS. I have clearly written in Russian in white what a BA is and what are its derivatives, what on the basis of my words you have nothing to say on the merits?) Young people, it's terrible, how will you live with such an approach?


Why, can't you point that out? You've kept silent about your understanding of what an underlying asset is, have you nothing to say or what?

ZS. I have clearly written in Russian in white what a BA is and what derivatives from it are, so you have nothing to say on the basis of my words?) Young people, it's terrible, how will you live with such an approach?

you wrote nonsense

I've already answered you too

take your time to educate yourself

Renat Akhtyamov:

You wrote nonsense.

I told you the same thing.

go educate yourself, take your time.

You're the only one writing bullshit here today, without a single argument, just stupid bullshit. It's stuck, I understand, but it won't change anything. Everything will stay the way it is, someone with knowledge and you with bullshit in your head. That's a fact. I've written before - you can't even make the slightest argument. Shame on you.

And do not forget to write what is a basic asset in your triangle, because I see that you are unable to understand the meaning of this phrase in principle. And after what you have written here in response to me, you have nothing left to say, that is, you have driven yourself into a trap. You are going to compete with the Forex market? Don't be ridiculous))))

Tomorrow the comrades will have something to read, at least they will have fun, it's already useful)))

You're the only one writing rubbish here today, without a single argument, just stupid rubbish. It's stuck, I understand, but it won't change anything. It's going to stay the way it is, someone with knowledge and you with bullshit in your head. That's a fact. I've written before - you can't even make the slightest argument. Shame on you.

And do not forget to write what is a basic asset in your triangle, because I see that you are unable to understand the meaning of this phrase in principle. And after what you have written here in response to me, you have nothing left to say, that is, you have driven yourself into a trap. You are going to compete with the Forex market? Don't be ridiculous)))

Tomorrow the comrades will have something to read, at least they will have fun, it's already useful)))

let's put it this way

what happens at midnight on the CME?


Here I am again!

I see the prophet has already been crucified without me :)

great great great! now tomato him! :)


Tomorrow the comrades will have something to read, at least they will have fun, it's already useful)))

That's for sure... Thank you Petrolhead, your service to Bablokos is invaluable!

Renat Akhtyamov:

let's put it this way.

what happens at midnight on the CME?

Taki I'll tell you if you don't know, but you haven't answered any of my questions, why should I continue to enlighten you just for free? First, I am waiting for an answer to my question about the basic asset in your triangle, and I'm sure you have absolutely nothing to say)))


That's for sure... Thank you Petrolhead, your service to Bablokos is invaluable!

It's tough without your pictures, it would be much more picturesque with them))))