Not the Grail, just a regular one - Bablokos!!! - page 369

Stanislav Perin:
Any surviving subscribers left?
About the deleted lube post.
Well, we're out of vaseline, all gone to Joker. So don't mind me, but you'll be in for a hell of a lot more trouble from your subscribers if you do.

I'm not used to it. Vaseline is for rich people, not slumdogs like me.

Stanislav Perin:
Surviving subscribers left?

There are survivors left, and very much so.

Just sick of the verbiage around here.


There are, and very much so.

I'm just sick of the verbiage around here.

that's right !!!!


Gradually switched to news trading.

The barracks are big!
He knows best.

that's right !!!!

You and Barak Husseinovich just don't get bored with verbiage on random growth for you. And when you're pouring it on, you get bored with verbiage. Like the wind blows you away. Sectarian hypocrites))))).
He was spinning the joker on this very thing, and Barak Huseynovich is happy about it. Come on, he's even paying for it)))).

You and Barack Husseinovich just do not get tired of verbiage on your random growth. And when you're pouring it on, you get bored with verbiage. Like the wind blows you away. Sectarian hypocrites))))).
He was spinning on it, but Barak Husseinovich was happy to do it. Come on, he's even paying for it)))).

I've been reading your speeches...

If you're talking to me, I don't understand you - we speak different languages...



I've been reading your speeches...

If you're talking to me, I don't understand you - we speak different languages...

It's no big deal, as long as you understand enough not to pay money to verbalists. You look like our American friend.
It's no big deal, as long as you understand enough not to carry the dough to the mouth-breathers. You seem to be like our American friend.

)))) you're a bunch of over-hyped bastards.