Not the Grail, just a regular one - Bablokos!!! - page 112

Once again a question to all, to calculate the probability of falling out in one row A of tails in a row before falling out B of eagles in a variety, such as a = 3, b = 4, row rorororro - won eagles. I have been given a formula here, but I have doubts about its correctness, so I will not give it, so as not to confuse her thoughts, suddenly it is valid!
On roulette, zeros get in the way, you know that very well.
Of course it does. We have enough zeros in forex too - spreads, gaps, stopgaps, swaps, .... Finally, loss of communication :)
On roulette, the zeros get in the way, you know that very well. In forex, the zeros are not, and that's why so many people get caught.
You bet on one number, not on a group, by the way, the counterpart of the zero in forex is the transaction price. The elementary spread is say 1p, consider what should be equal to the same sl and tp to balance the advantage of the casino and DT.
Is Paukas also Jewish? I didn't know, I didn't know. By the way, I hadn't noticed it myself, but what the hell in a distant knee of a tree.
Paukas is Paukas, let's not disturb the roots. Are you sure your great-great-grandmother -.......- didn't flirt with a Jew?
And you bet on a single number, not a group
In forex, there is no "one number" feature. That's the problem.
I wouldn't have touched it if I'd been saying sensible thoughts, not platitudes with a cautionary gauntlet.

"Thoughts" are your privilege.

Thinkers, instead of figuring out the difference between forex and SB and making money from it, are thinking.)

In forex, there is just no sign of "one number". That's the problem.
We flip a coin, bang - eagle, aha we put in buy, tp=36p, sl=2p (1p we have a zero spread already chewed up).
Jews are good, they're cunning, that's why they get things done. Half a Jew is also a lot.
Sometimes it seems that Jews are not even a race, but a community of hardworking and therefore, fortunate people.

2 Paukasu. :)

about the flooding, really, screw it, I'll do what I can

More likely to rub you out))

Uh-huh... especially the hard-working ones. Have you ever seen one with a shovel? I haven't. But that doesn't stop me and my family from being great friends with a couple of them.

And cut the crap. Dimka, you prankster, that's a joke. )))

Have you ever wondered whether it is necessary to work with a shovel? When there is a more profitable occupation nearby?