Not the Grail, just a regular one - Bablokos!!! - page 107

There is only one solution. Don't bullshit and only play games with positive expected payoffs. :)
I wonder what is the expectation of a game based on the event "the price will definitely leave the current level"...?
Do you think that a kosher man on a horse disguised as a bogatyr will tell you straightforwardly, guys, this direction is also grail, drip!!!!Shhhhasssss. He can tell the truth only on the level of general phrases and general notions, because he wants to fool around...And these concepts are used everywhere, so their voicing will not tell anything, because they are the same in every direction, but in order to make them profitable each direction has its formalization, And without it these basic concepts won't give anything, and the way to adapt and formalize these basic concepts to our case, in order to make these concepts work, a kasher person won't let you anywhere near it, so I would be very skeptical about such characters.
But do you think that a kasher man on horseback dressed as a bogatyr will directly say to you, guys, this is also a grail direction, drop!!!!─Shhhhhhhhhh. He can tell the truth only on the level of general phrases and general notions, because he wants to fool around...And these concepts are used everywhere, so their voicing will not tell anything, because they are the same in every direction, but in order to make them profitable each direction has its formalization, And without it these basic concepts won't give anything, and the way to adapt and formalize these basic concepts to our case, in order to make these concepts work, a kasher person won't let you anywhere near it, so I would be very skeptical about such characters.

This is a man who writes correctly, he is literate.

And he would be up to his ears in profits because of his innate genius and unheard-of industriousness,

if it wasn't for the kosher people who invented terver and maths and all that crap.

Doesn't let that crap earn him any money. Huds they are, unequivocally.

Take Markov with chains - well, just a suspicious element )))

It is good to make such a theory, which as though and everywhere fits, can not be disputed, and forces to make all calculations on its basis. But it is only for maklouds, it in fact can not be disputed or refuted without assumptions, and strictly mathematically it is impossible. And the apologists for earnings are not only those who still find illogical patterns, and get albeit rare but statpryamument, but those who say they are NOT going to have SB forever. And you respected kasher man yourself define, your words were "you can earn on the SB" (I will not look where you wrote it, sorry) and now you are rubbing the impossibility of it. And your speculations about what I earn and what does not, leave in the pocket of rag clothes, hidden under the layered armor.
About kosher. I've been meaning to ask you for a long time, but I haven't gotten around to it. What's circumcision for? Does it help much or not so much?
Well, it helps if they do. The armour doesn't chafe or sweat as much.
About kosher. I've been meaning to ask you for a long time, but I haven't gotten around to it. What's circumcision for? Does it help much or not so much?
What do you think? If they cut it, it's a loss. Which leaves you with a net profit.)
As for MEAT, no one argues with him that earning on SB is less profitable and requires more expenses (not huge, but simply more))),than earning on patterns of market prices which, although similar, are not SB to the end. It is focused on the search for market patterns and all, but does not consider the option of finding these market patterns through probabilistic analysis and terver. If you know how to make money on SB, you can adapt it to the market, or, if you are too lazy to bother searching market regularities, you can make a coin from the market, overlaying an arbitrary random process, and making deals on it, about what the yellow smoked fingernail of the Northern wind actually is. For if you put a coin on top of any process, you will end up with a coin too.
Knowing how to capitalise on SB, it is possible to adapt this to the market as well.
Good luck Fredo, good luck.
JOKER, if you have already started to make changes, I will give you one more idea, maybe it will be useful too, you will check it faster than I, about returnability of gradients, through combinatorics there are allocated probability moments, but after all that property which have differences of gradient moduli, They are valid for positive moduli separately, 2- for negative moduli separately, 3 for both, and 4 for time too, i.e. the difference between the patterns - the time difference between them, can also be considered the same increments, only their length will be measured by time or by number of bars.So add to what you have already used the same but also to time, that is filtering (reducing to more dense places by probability), calculate also the probability of depth of time window, when this density appears.