Not the Grail, just a regular one - Bablokos!!! - page 538

Anatolii Zainchkovskii:

and this?

Reminds me of a 'two-headed distribution'. That is, the sum of just two.



It's interesting, if we take 100 cases from the left side of the previous screen, we get this asymmetry on the forward side.

The brown one is zero.
So, figure it out, whether it's a grail or whether Excel is not working correctly....

Anatolii Zainchkovskii:

These are the results of the trading systems.

i.e. a virtual chart of the balance of different trading systems?

Anatolii Zainchkovskii:

So go on and figure out whether the grail or the excel is faulty....

Excel may not be faulty, but the signal is (well, no offense).

But maybe next week, signal and excel will be singing in unison, who knows. We shall see.

Evgeniy Chumakov:

i.e. a virtual chart of the balance of different trading systems?

Maxim Kuznetsov:

resembles a "two-headed distribution". That is, the sum of just two.

Instead of guessing from the histogram, why not at least plot the quantile-quantile plot?

I won't even mention criteria of agreement...

Aleksey Nikolayev:

Instead of guessing from a histogram, why not at least construct a quantile-quantile plot?

I'm not even talking about agreement criteria...

I was guessing from the screenshot :-) But it does look like, even a transient peak can be seen...

Maxim Kuznetsov:

I was guessing from the screenshot :-) But it does look like it, you can even see the transitional peak...

"I'm an artist - that's how I see it!" )

Aleksey Nikolayev:

"I'm an artist - that's how I see!" )

there was also such a joke with an indecent ending :-)

let me try to find it

PS/ found it !

No offence, because everyone's getting nervous and touchy.

История №1113904
История №1113904
Дисклеймер - эта история никак не принижает роли Владимира Владимировича Путина в разгроме наполеоновской армии под Москвой. Однажды Владимир Владимирович Маяковский ходил по художественной выставке и узрел картину Кустодиева "Жатва". - Боря! - ошеломленно...
Aleksey Nikolayev:

Instead of guessing from a histogram, why not at least construct a quantile-quantile plot?

I won't even mention agreement criteria...

Isn't the RMS enough?

In my opinion, it's enough.

You just need to set it aside not three times, but six times to each side
