Not the Grail, just a regular one - Bablokos!!! - page 455


You can switch off loss-making doughnuts )

Better yet, only the profitable ones can be switched on! ))) Yeah...

Something's wrong with the doughboys, I guess we have to go back to the factory soon...

And what do the account funds say (from the list):





In short, all this is no good, some paltry 50% in a fortnight - but for such a ridicule in certain circles! And in other places they will throw stones.

It would be better to go straight to the factory, where there is a free canteen, and a new uniform twice a year, and an advance payment, and a salary, and there is even a thirteenth, and no risks...

Aleksandr Volotko:

And what do the account funds say (from the list):





It seems to add up to a positive total and now you are officially a prophet dablokos

In short, it's no good, some measly 50% in a fortnight - but for such a ridicule in certain circles! And in other places they will throw stones.

For now it is not so important how many percent and it is important that the trade cycles were completed this way and time is needed to understand the true correlation mu/sigma and besides BTS may have floating statistics so the inverter may be as a consequence and also the period of "phase" transition waves of optimality

There is also a purely logical point: why not build the inverter into the PBS from the start: it is preferable to invert from the outside.

Better go straight to the factory, there's free canteen, new uniforms twice a year, and an advance payment, and paycheck, and there's even a thirteenth, and no risk...

Drimmer, sign in ))))


It seems to add up to a positive total and you are now officially a prophet of dablocos

No, I must have mixed up the + and - somewhere and the result is really negative.

It is not that important how many percentages but that trade cycles are mostly completed this way and time is needed to understand the true correlation mu/sigma and besides BTS may have floating statistics so the inverter is also as a consequence and the period of waves of "phase" transition of optimality

There's no point in that - we're all going to lose anyway!

There is also a purely logical point: why not build the inverter initially into the PBS and make it fit better than inverting from the outside?

You think I didn't want to? I wanted to. But then I changed my mind. And it's not all so clear-cut. And the broker wants to eat. You can't tease them and cut their rations.

Driller, sign in))).

Re-login! I'm always correcting you...

Guys, it all looks so depressing).

Guys, it all looks so depressing.)

Friend, just bear with us - we'll be out and about soon).

Guys, it all looks so depressing).

In fact trading is extremely boring and one can die of boredom and we have tried all kinds of entertainment here but nothing fits and now we even have to go to factories and construction sites to somehow disperse melancholy

Aleksandr Volotko:

No, I must have mixed up the + and - somewhere and the result is really negative.

It may be negative in some periods and it is important to understand the periods of alternation and try to understand their behavior, if it is amenable to any analysis at all

And getting ahead of the game we can consider such strategies as spread between the signals, trend signal portfolio, counter trend break-down by the amount of signals, common flat break-down by the amount of signals, stop reversal by the amount of signals, as well as there is a question of optimizing the distributed volumes by the signal and there may be some variants, for example distribution according to the volatility

There is no point in it - we will all lose anyway!

Worse - one day we're going to die for some reason - so a drain doesn't look like such a terrible prospect

Do you think I did not want to? Yes, I did. But then I changed my mind. And it's not all that clear-cut. And the broker wants to eat. You can't tease them and cut their rations.

Change the order type in OrderSend and swap out the take and stop, taking into account the average spread

Change your name, will you? I always have to correct you.

I'm not even human, remember?

Aleksandr Volotko:

Friend, just bear with us - we'll be done soon).

That's how you blatantly lie that these signals are yours in common?)
Can you advertise your signals here?)
I have no doubt that you will sell out or go into deep drawdowns. This is the bottom line of any forex trade.

What I would like to emphasise is that you have just demonstrated a new kind of portfolio trading in the form of a multi-signal, which in my memory has never been done before

Maybe I did, but it wasn't that obvious.
But I have only lifted part of the veil and will not remove it completely, of course.