Not the Grail, just a regular one - Bablokos!!! - page 367


There is an opinion that randomness = regularity, which will be realised in the future.

You can feel the hand of a master at making excuses for other people's failures.
Obamacz, are you?
You've lost your face...
We live in the present and while chance is chance to us. But in the future, if it ceases to be so, then perhaps it will become a pattern.
That's with us mere mortals, though.
It's different for the old/obamich and the anunnahs. We are far from them.
ILNUR777: We live in the present, and for now, randomness is randomness to us. But in the future, if it ceases to be so, then it may become a pattern.

Put aside your doubts.


Put your doubts to rest

I understand that you Aryans from the planet Anunnah are used to putting your mind off things. But I am a mere mortal; I cannot create an emptiness in my mind and do things at the same time.
ILNUR777 I understand that you Aryans from the planet Anunnah are used to putting your brain off when you do things. But I'm a mere mortal, I don't know how to create an emptiness in my head and do things at the same time.
Here you are doing the former.
STARIJ here you are the first to do
and so are you
Well Krivoshey, you son of a bitch. You've dumped Barak Huseynovich, you've made him look like a bolabole, he's not coming here now. And we have to suffer from boredom.
ILNUR777: Well Krivoshey, you son of a bitch. You've dumped Barak Huseynovich, you've made him look like a bolabole, he's not coming here now. And we're bored out of our minds.

This is the site of phoroxo-traders, rich people. Boredom is getting the better of us. And whoever thinks they 're a nerd, that's their choice.

ILNUR777: We live in the present, and while chance is chance to us.

The present is a moment between the past and the future. You have to look forward, i.e. into the future. Open a position now - profit in the future


The present is a moment between the past and the future. You have to look ahead, i.e. into the future. Open a position now - profit in the future

Sorry, I don't do hard drugs.
And neither should you.