Not the Grail, just a regular one - Bablokos!!! - page 303


The fear of monitoring is one - revealing the truth.

It is unclear - why there is a fear of this monitor by some, as if it makes the Joker feel cold or warm.


)))))))))) I've been laughing for ten minutes now, it's a lucky break, a philosophical balistic rant and Joker's answer to it)))

And now he's getting into theology himself)))).

I don't mind, I'm into it myself, but it depends on the context.


It is fair to say that Niroba has been scamming people for money. He passed off demo accounts as real ones, etc. The bastard was being taken out in the open.

Remind me again, maybe I've forgotten or I was in a coma: Did Joker offer anyone anything? Money to manage him, sell signals, maybe he offered to show you his state for $100? Anything at all?

Aleh, how can I explain, because the most expensive thing you have not written is the IDEA. When you solve a problem alone, that's one thing,

but when you give a direction and thousands of solutions are sent to you asking you to look at it, teacher, that's one thing.

It's impossible that you don't know about it!


So that's it, Mikhalych.

Turns out he made a big grail out of other people's ready-made little grails...

Well, at least he didn't take them from children.


About collecting the grail - take your time (al you know what we don't know - what makes you so sure???).

Waiting for the monitor.


Wait. I don't need to wait.

I'll check on you in a couple of weeks.


It is fair to say that Niroba has been scamming people for money. He passed off demo accounts as real ones, etc. The bastard was being taken out in the open.

Remind me again, maybe I've forgotten or I was in a coma: Did the Joker offer anyone anything? Money to manage him, sell signals, maybe he offered to show you his state for $100? Anything at all?

P.S.: I think I've got you on the spot.

He wasn't just asking neuroba... but you don't care.

When you ask a specific person, ask to their face, and do not ask questions without resorting to rhetoric.

Who cares who offers what and for what, I lean more that it's not about him (though who knows), but there are many schemes of promotion before the fraud and luring investors when the beginning is not asking for money, earning authority, which then pay for itself many times over in fraudulent schemes. That's just for the record.

But that is not the point. The point is in the pathos (for me, because I don't need the accounts), the point is in applications that can drag people through years of stupid searches on information fed to them, which is a hundred percent and will not lead to the results, which is written about who is feeding that information. And defiantly leaving the forum 100500 times and coming back 100500 times, feeding such people hope.

Embellishing it all with high-sounding philosophical speeches that have nothing to do with it, but which so beautifully frame the halo above, just like the ballistics in that link. Only as usual.

The ardent supporters of morality, after achieving integrity, change into ardent opponents of it.

Just disgusted by people who water someone down for something and then do the same themselves.

PS. And by the way, I personally have every right to question or criticise this character. That's exactly where he started our brief communication with him. Asked for evidence, details, directly poured dirt on him.

I made explanations with examples of my thoughts. And now it turns out that newcomers have no right to ask him the same thing, otherwise they instantly become pigs in front of whom they are beating themselves up.

And do not look as if I am coming down from the luminous heights to bring light to the people, and I am "where's the money, zine". you ingrates.



Procul este, profani.1)

1)Away, uninitiated(Latin).

A poet on an inspired lyre.
The poet, with an inspired lyre, rattled his hand.
He sang, and, cold and haughty.
The uninitiated people around him
Heeded him senselessly.

And the ignorant crowds said:
"Why does he sing so resoundingly?
In vain it strikes the ear,
What purpose does he lead us to?
Why does he make such a noise? Why does he teach us?
Why does he stir our hearts and torment us?
Like a wilful sorcerer?
Like the wind, his song is free,
But like the wind it is fruitless:
What use is it to us?"


Silence, you senseless people,
You slave of want, you slave of cares!
I cannot bear your impudent murmurings,
Thou worm of the earth, not a son of heaven;

You'd do all the good that's good for your weight.
You're an idol of Belvedere.
Thou canst not see the good, the good in it.
But this marble is a god, so what?
The furnace pot is dearer to you:
Thou cookest thy food in it.


Not if thou art heaven's chosen,
You have a gift, a divine messenger,
Thou shalt do us good:
To mend our brethren's hearts.
We are cowardly, we are treacherous,
Shameless, wicked, ungrateful;
We are cold-hearted scrapers,
Slanderers, slaves, fools;
We are a club of wickedness nesting in us.
Thou canst, loving thy neighbour,
Give us courageous lessons,
And we'll listen to thee.


Go away, what business is it of yours
The poet of the world cares for you!
You stumble in debauchery!
The voice of a lyre won't bring you back to life!
You are as disgusting to our souls as coffins.
For your folly and wickedness
You have hitherto had...
and you have had scourges, dungeons, and axes.
Enough with you, you mad slaves!
In your cities, from your noisy streets
and sweep away the rubbish that is useful to you! -
But, forgetting their service,
The altar and the sacrifice,
Do the priests take the broom from you?
Not for the excitement of life,
Not for profit, not for battles,
We were born for inspiration,
For sweet sounds and prayers.


more relevant than that.

You may not be a prophet,

but you must be a man.

On the contrary, it's not relevant, times are like that, though when they were not "like that".

From Transcendreamer, smoker's right, it's time to switch to poetic-caricatured banter, and not to reflect. I repent. I'll try to make amends.

I'm sure the all-seeing eye is watching us even now, O Saurman, forgive us sinners who have not known the power of your staff.


You may not findthe grail...... but you have to be a member of a cult!