Not the Grail, just a regular one - Bablokos!!! - page 310


You've been here for a day and you've already shit all over the thread. I can't imagine what would happen if you stayed late.

Before you, there were 10 people here a day. You're a pain in the ass. No one's writing anymore.

Now, on the subject. What are you sitting here chewing your snot for? You want to succeed, you have to practice, and not look into the mouths of others (Joker, Nicola, etc.).

You may not be aware that this is a discussion and an attempt to understand how to trade on the principle of doughboys, you do not seem to understand it. This is not a tama, not a fan club that likes to pick their noses ... You better do what you gotta do, or you'll grow old with rose-coloured glasses.)

And I see the potential in you, no less than Buffett, yes, even more than Buffett and Soros rest on your background.

You see what my sarcasm is about. You came to an online casino to chew the snot. It takes practice and practice, otherwise no storks here, and the Joker does not look like a nursing mother ))))

And the branch is called "Not the Grail - the usual dough). So - it's dough to mow in a shovel. Actually such a venture I propose. )


or wait at least 2 weeks for joker to screw up his monitoring - and then do what you want here! at least turn it into a rubbish dump!

How can you be so sure. I understand jealousy... Makes you wish the best for your loved ones. So if Joker and I merge into 2 it would be more fun....

And imagine hypothetically that both Droker and I will succeed, imagine what a nuclear explosion in people's minds would happen and ratings would go off the charts... Don't you want that, then there will be not 10 people a day but 1000.

And what if we involve our celebrity Nicola in this public adventure... Oooh, it's either a total disaster or a total success.)


How can you be so sure. I understand jealousy... Makes you wish the best for your loved ones. So if Joker and I merge into 2 it would be more fun....

And imagine hypothetically that both Droker and I will succeed, imagine what a nuclear explosion in people's minds would happen and ratings would go off the charts... Don't you want that, then there will be not 10 people a day but 1000.

And what if we involve our celebrity Nicola in this public adventure... Oooh, it's either a total disaster or a total success.)

Go ahead, Mr. Serge. We'll be watching two monitors.

Joker is just showing you math tricks.

Did the fitting, posted the report - mathematical trick. You believed it.

Created 10 monitors, posted the best one - mathematical trick. You believed it again.

And he's laughing his ass off at you.


Now, on the subject. What are you sitting here for, chewing your snot. You want to succeed, you have to practice, and not look into the mouths of others (Joker, Nicola, etc.).

You may not be aware that this is a discussion and an attempt to understand how to trade on the principle of doughboys, you do not seem to understand it. This is not a tama, not a fan club that likes to pick their noses ... You better do what you gotta do, or you'll grow old with rose-coloured glasses.)

And I see the potential in you, no less than Buffett, yes, even more than Buffett and Soros rest on your background.

You see what my sarcasm is about. You came to an online casino to chew the snot. It takes practice and practice, otherwise no storks here, and the Joker does not look like a nursing mother ))))

And the branch is called "Not the Grail - the usual dough). So - it's dough to mow in a shovel. Actually such a venture I propose. )

Don't touch the shovel! A noble shovel tool. Mow with a trimmer.

Don't touch the shovel!

How can you be so sure. I understand jealousy... Makes you wish the best for your loved ones. So if Joker and I merge into 2 it would be more fun....

And imagine hypothetically that both Droker and I will succeed, imagine what a nuclear explosion in people's minds would happen and ratings would go off the charts... Don't you want that, then there will be not 10 people a day but 1000.

And what if we involve our celebrity Nicola in this public adventure... Oooh, it's either a total disaster or a total success.)

MrSerj- if Joker really bargained, I probably would have been jealous too (from the bottom of my heart), I would have had an incentive. Al Micolla - would have shown a live masterclass.

But alas - Micolla is already a living trolling legend and Joker is playing hide and seek.

Why do we need ratings, we're not clowns, we have a different task - to find our own and keep quiet until they get picked up for FABERGE.

So our heroes are WOULD be drawn so far.


You're right. Monitoring is just bullshit. You are right, monitoring is rubbish.

Condition: Those who are initially involved in the experiment, they get their share of their one hundredth + an equal share of income from PAMM. If it goes well, we will withdraw the money even earlier than we expect. This is the first option.

The second option: I myself open a PAMM for $100 (my conscience does not allow to allocate more for an experiment), but I don't know whether normal dealers have such PAMMs. That the experiment was clean, under the condition we need to balance lots, which means that at the depo of 100, min lot needs from 0.001. Or maybe there is cent PAMMs or ruble. In general, we need to enter this hundred quid in PAMM under conditions of doughboys. In this option, people will have the opportunity to jump on the go in a high-speed train.

And the 3rd option if the first 2 are rejected. I cannot find extreme allies and I cannot find PAMM system for 100 with necessary conditions. Then I just trade by myself and periodically expose historical trades. In this case, if something goes wrong, all will fail except me. ) Who does not risk.... sleep tight ))) At the railway station ... )- a joke! )


MrSerj- better give me a hundred ( at least someone will get high - just kidding ).

Well, it's not 90 and no one will invest for the sake of interest (without a monitor).

I propose a more interesting (you wanted torating ) - call Mikolla to fight, they say, hold the answer for the 7-year framework (but sooner he will withdraw - the image above all).



MrSerj- better give me a hundred ( at least someone will get high - just kidding ).

Well, it's not 90 and no one will invest for the sake of interest (no monitor).

I propose a more interesting (you wantrating ) - call Mikolla to fight, they say, hold the answer for the 7-year breach (but sooner he will withdraw - the image above all).


I'm only in favour of a doughnut fight. Competitions are fun and interesting. Mine is the assembled from the torch and Nichollen and Joker are pro versions.

As for the PAMM for a hundred, so far I can't find one with the right conditions, and if the lots are not balanced then the experiment will not be clean.