Not the Grail, just a regular one - Bablokos!!! - page 210


Well, Andrew is not a fool! That is why he has difficulties with understanding the simple things.

If anything, I didn't call him a fool.

I want him to understand everything, it's as simple as it gets, I've told him a lot, he understands everything, it's just a bit of a joke.

Kostya, that trading the ring is what Andrei himself thinks is stupid. For there is no fish there. He says that supposedly - well, say, looking at THIS he understands which pair has a lot to decrease, which to increase, but in fact he concocts a new synthetic and trades these synthetics more often in the plus than minus, and steadily. That is what it is all about. I have no idea what he is doing with lots and by what criteria, i.e. absolutely no idea. And the main emphasis is placed on absence of necessity to forecast direction of movement. I.e. the market will go somewhere and he earns on it.

Not really) the point was that his ring is a lock and lots of other goodies, a straightforward tidbit, and this is a regular chart... there's nothing to catch with such a base, it's not possible to create a grail out of a bunch of tools.

If you do not have a good initial base - entry-exit system, no matter what you call it, nothing helps, no matter whether he trades a hedge or a single pair, it makes no difference whatever he does, it will be equally difficult to trade on the plus side.

Well, the ins and outs he has in and out )) in short, somehow he sees the situation in his own way and it's good if he really trades on the plus side, he will not tell you the details anyway

Why does he then claim that his ring is a lock, stationarity, constant and other stuff, isn't it nonsense.

And what he does there is not important) its his business) if there were any results he would show, but in general he just started plus no... in general this is another topic, we were talking about something else.


Lock? Actually the confusion in the application - the name itself leads to a loss, testing the ranges on the pound it seems there will be no loss!, the load is underestimated - there is a gradual increase in the lots.

Equity now

Equity now is the same as at the beginning, although it can be less at times.....
balance growth of 15% (not much during this time - the orders are understated), I will fix another 10 (1000pp.) ranges and increase the lot to 0.03. Description of the TS here -

FUCK! Testing, just testing. Don't be in minus Equity....
Come on) a balance increase of 15%!!! it's not like that!
No, Andrew's no fool! That's why he has difficulty in understanding the simple things.

... and vice versa ))) And thank you for the fool.

... If he's looking at it he understands the pair with smaller and bigger lots, but in fact he may concoct a new synthetic and trade on the fly...

Almost like that. Only not a pair, but a group of pairs - that's one, and you essentially get a new synthetic every time you open-close something.

well, its inputs and outputs are inhalations and exhalations )) ...

No, Sash, the "inhalations" and "exhalations" are spreads and returns of prices from the point of ring start and back to the OrderOpenPrice()
They are not related to market entries - they are just the group behavior of half-rims.
Look: if you open a ring, first of all all pairs will move from the start point, some of them will go to profit and some - to loss in equal number of +1 pair (and by the same amount of points) - this is inspiration. Then the number of pairs continuing their movement will equal or even be less than the number of pairs that have had a pullback of the initial movement - that's an exhalation.


Why then does he claim that his ring is lock, stationarity, constant and all sorts of other things, isn't it delusional...

No, Kostya, it's not nonsense - I think I understand where the strategic error of modern philosophy is )))

The point is that the final equity of the ring changes due to changes in point value as the play progresses. The indicators are showing in money, after all!
And I also think: "How is that possible? Everything works for me, but the basis is wrong?"

Well, everything I've written here is right on schedule. Open your funny pictures on Monday and put "profit in pips".