Not the Grail, just a regular one - Bablokos!!! - page 434

I wanted to go to a factory, but I'll wait...

a factory is good when it is your own factory which produces currencies of almost all countries.... And when you also know the opening hours of a factory, it's a pleasure !...

Anatolii Zainchkovskii:

a factory is good when it is your own factory which produces currencies of almost all countries.... And when you also know the opening hours of the factory, it's a real pleasure !...

And a bank is even better, it's closer to forex and the knowledge you get here will come in handy).


I think the bank is even better, it's closer to Forex and the knowledge you get here will come in handy).

bank is no good, you see how many of them were shut down and monopolised ) but printing is good ) in a pinch you may print anecdotes in the yellow press if you do not need the bank notes )

I wanted to go to the factory, but I'll wait...

It's actually ***being done. For the third day I can't find errors in algorithms that have worked for years. A graph of the number of baskets bidding to buy. In short, get the picture:


It's actually ***being done. For the third day I can't find errors in algorithms that have worked for years. A graph of the number of baskets bidding to buy. In short, get the picture:

Why do you think there's an error somewhere? And the second question, it's only a year that can't be said (many years), quite a working chart for one of the systems that work not Forex ... If you buy baskets, you should continue buying them and not wait for a pullback.


It's actually ***being done. For the third day I can't find errors in algorithms that have worked for years. A graph of the number of baskets bidding to buy. In short, get the picture:

Nothing seems to have happened lately..... but what if it's a sign?


It's actually ***being done. Day three I can't find errors in algorithms that have worked for years. A graph of the number of baskets bidding to buy. In short, get the picture:

Can you elaborate on :

1. what is the picture?

2. what the *** is going on?


Anatolii Zainchkovskii:

a factory is good when it is your own factory which produces currencies of almost all countries.... and when you know the timetable of the factory it is even better !....

Yes, but with one condition, that is the kind of plant, which you cited as an example, it is clear that there are specifics of work each has its own, and there are many small nuances.

And by formation it is better to use TS to create a manual strategy and its possible automation of a favourable outcome of trade operations. As a kind of continuation of a person in the digital world. Which Elon Musk has been mentioning a lot lately. Weird.

If you are involved in trading and investing, developing grails, you must take security seriously and apply the following measures:

Buy an old, second-hand laptop. Buy gift vouchers for electronics shops. Buy a hard drive and network controller with these gift vouchers. Install and test the TAILS system. Use only external USB sticks for data transfer. Always delete any metadata of Microsoft documents, other formats, and EXIF data of photos. Always review sent files before you send them.

Purchase cryptocurrency, pass it through online mixers. Use un-issued gift cards and certificates for other purchases. Pay for VPN and VPS services using secure cryptocurrency or certificates. Never connect to a VPN from home, work or another known location. Never connect from places near your home or work. You may even be tracked down if you connect from a nearby coffee shop. Only connect from public places, research the locations visually beforehand. If a public wifi network requires a phone number - use virtual sim cards. Pay for virtual phone numbers only with cryptocurrency passed through mixers.

Assume by default that cameras are everywhere. If you see a camera, assume the widest viewing angle. Position your laptop so that those around you cannot see the screen. Make sure you are not the only user of a given wifi network. Never work during low-traffic hours. Work during peak hours, such as for a cafe: in the morning or at lunchtime when people are coming and going. Evenings after work are worse: the turnover of people in the cafe is less intense, people come to sit longer. Use a VPN + TOR connection and only from public places where people connect frequently.

TOR hides your connections and traffic, VPN hides the fact that you are connected to TOR. Never open downloaded documents on a normal computer outside of a TAILS or WHONIX virtual machine. Documents may contain links that will de-anonymise you.

Always follow a predetermined plan of action. Connect, send and receive data, disconnect and log out calmly and naturally. At a Starbucks cafe: buy a coffee to look like a regular customer, pay only in cash. When the salesperson asks for your name, never give your real name, make up another one. Drink your coffee in a natural manner, don't rush, but don't linger either, be culturally appropriate, smile. Don't speak loudly, change the tone of your voice. Your appearance shouldn't be catchy, work on that. Don't use anything that makes you stand out from other visitors. Change the way you behave, an example of this disguise: Do not open this link from your home or work computer!

Make a list of suitable locations, they should be spread out over at least a few kilometres. Number all your locations. Use random numbers to choose the number of your next connection. Make each new connection at a random interval. Note that normal city surveillance cameras have a 5-day ring buffer. Cameras in educational institutions may have a circular buffer of 30 days. If your information is extremely sensitive, increase the spread by including other cities. You should have at least 20 suitable connection points. Be indistinguishable from the average visitor each time. Eat a standard business lunch, drink regular coffee, pay in cash, never order a special meal. Change your order every time, don't order the same thing, don't repeat any pattern. You should not be identified by your gastronomic preferences.

Don't show up at every place more than a few weeks or even months. Waiters shouldn't remember you, don't make eye contact with them, look slightly to the side, avoid conversation. Change your clothes every time, which should not have any signs of brands, lettering and so on. Be appropriate to the area, for example, in a business district be in a suit like most people. In a casual cafe, don't wear a suit, wear a sports jacket with a hoodie. In a student cafe, be in modern, youthful clothing, but don't stand out too much. Explore the area, know the entrances and exits, don't attract attention by your behaviour.

Large numbers of people are good for anonymity, the more the better. Holidays, football games, rock concerts create large numbers of visitors to neighbouring cafés and bars. Use glasses with different frame shapes, change them randomly. Your haircut doesn't have to be unique, get rid of any distinguishing features. Be aware that there may be observers in public places who are already looking for you. Perform test arrivals several times before you start work. Get rid of the excitement and make your scheme a routine.

Any data you store should be protected by several layers of encryption. Use VeraCrypt, LUKS and similar tools. Use hidden volumes. For example, you have 1GB of data that you need to hide. Create several larger external containers that are nested one inside the other like matryoshka dolls. Each container with its own unique keys and passwords. Do not use the cloud key storage option.

Only a serious thoughtful approach to security will keep your grails safe.

If you are involved in trading and investing, developing grails, you must take security seriously and apply the following measures:

Buy an old, second-hand laptop. Buy gift vouchers for electronics shops. Buy a hard drive and network controller with these gift vouchers. Install and test the TAILS system. Use only external USB sticks for data transfer. Always delete any metadata of Microsoft documents, other formats, and EXIF data of photos. Always review sent files before you send them.

Purchase cryptocurrency, pass it through online mixers. Use un-issued gift cards and certificates for other purchases. Pay for VPN and VPS services using secure cryptocurrency or certificates. Never connect to a VPN from home, work or another known location. Never connect from places near your home or work. You may even be tracked down if you connect from a nearby coffee shop. Only connect from public places, research the locations visually beforehand. If a public wifi network requires a phone number - use virtual sim cards. Pay for virtual phone numbers only with cryptocurrency passed through mixers.

Assume by default that cameras are everywhere. If you see a camera, assume the widest viewing angle. Position your laptop so that those around you cannot see the screen. Make sure you are not the only user of a given wifi network. Never work during low-traffic hours. Work during peak hours, such as for a café: in the morning or at lunchtime when people are coming and going. Evenings after work are worse: the turnover of people in the cafe is less intense, people come to sit longer. Use a VPN + TOR connection and only from public places where people connect frequently.

TOR hides your connections and traffic, VPN hides the fact that you are connected to TOR. Never open downloaded documents on a normal computer outside of a TAILS or WHONIX virtual machine. Documents may contain links that will de-anonymise you.

Always follow a predetermined plan of action. Connect, send and receive data, disconnect and log out calmly and naturally. At a Starbucks cafe: buy a coffee to look like a regular customer, pay only in cash. When the salesperson asks for your name, never give your real name, make up another one. Drink your coffee in a natural manner, don't rush, but don't linger either, fit the culture, smile. Don't speak loudly, change the tone of your voice. Your appearance shouldn't be catchy, work on that. Don't use anything that makes you stand out from other visitors. Change the way you behave, an example of this disguise: Do not open this link from your home or work computer!

Make a list of suitable locations, they should be spread out over at least a few kilometres. Number all your locations. Use random numbers to choose the number of your next connection. Make each new connection at a random interval. Note that normal city surveillance cameras have a 5-day ring buffer. Cameras in educational institutions may have a circular buffer of 30 days. If your information is extremely sensitive, increase the spread by including other cities. You should have at least 20 suitable connection points. Be indistinguishable from the average visitor each time. Eat a standard business lunch, drink regular coffee, pay in cash, never order a special meal. Change your order every time, don't order the same thing, don't repeat any pattern. You should not be identified by your gastronomic preferences.

Don't show up at every place more than a few weeks or even months. Waiters shouldn't remember you, don't make eye contact with them, look slightly to the side, avoid conversations. Change your clothes every time, which should not have any signs of brands, lettering and so on. Be appropriate to the area, for example, in a business district be in a suit like most people. In a casual cafe, don't wear a suit, wear a sports jacket with a hoodie. In a student cafe, be in modern, youthful clothing, but not too prominent. Explore the area, know the entrances and exits, don't attract attention by your behaviour.

Large numbers of people are good for anonymity, the more the better. Holidays, football games, rock concerts create large numbers of visitors to neighbouring cafés and bars. Use glasses with different frame shapes, change them randomly. Your haircut doesn't have to be unique, get rid of any distinguishing features. Be aware that there may be observers in public places who are already looking for you. Perform test arrivals several times before you start work. Get rid of the excitement, make your scheme a routine.

Any data you store should be protected by several layers of encryption. Use VeraCrypt, LUKS and similar tools. Use hidden volumes. For example, you have 1GB of data that you need to hide. Create several larger external containers that are nested one inside the other like matryoshka dolls. Each container with its own unique keys and passwords. Do not use the cloud key storage option.

Only a serious thoughtful approach to security will keep your grails safe.

It's easier to hang yourself).