Not the Grail, just a regular one - Bablokos!!! - page 192


i once found.... and now she only looks at the money... :-)))

You get used to a good thing fast))))

And so to "joke" with a well-to-do man over his girlfriend-wife, etc. Honey, I'm bankrupt :D with imitation that there is no money to live poor and the like, for a while, that's where it gets interesting :D

yep.... especially if you have kids... make fun of it... :-)))

Yeah, there's no need in that case) life is already established-adults... it's mostly humour.

But as a variant of secured or rich, look for-communicate without showing what you are, and like just a guy :D If all is OK) he'll love you hard when he finds out ... :D

you should get married... :-))) at least once...
I got married for the first time when I was twenty... :-)))

Well, times used to be different) everybody got married early, it was like a rule, everything was easier, and now times are different( but I want to get married for a long time, but I have no finances( no flat, it sucks to get 15-20 dollars a month to rent a place... I'll almost spend it all on a flat, I won't have enough for one guy, how can I get acquainted with somebody else or get married, it's silly (or find the same one and live together all my life, ehh)

In the beginning I thought that something will work in foreplay, but over the years I have come to realize that all this is evil, and time has passed.


The first time I thought something would work in forex, but over the years I have realised that it is all a crook, and time has passed.

At first I also thought I would get rich here and in a year or two I would tell my bosses to fuck off and live solely off the market. But what the hell... I've been in this business for 6 years now, but I don't live off the market yet. I started trading more or less constantly only about a year ago, before that I tried everything and searched, searched, searched. I have not lost my deposit, but I am not losing real money and I am slowly gaining profit.

The thing is that when I got acquainted with the Forex theme and reading all sorts of abstruse messages from different forum members, it seemed to me that everyone is very successful people, but over time it became clear that 95% of people who live in this swamp called Forex in real life are Losers and Losers and came here to earn money to please primarily his vanity, which in general, well, not conducive to the psychological side of the trader. The most important thing is to be psychologically aware, first sort it out with yourself, and then you can earn money with whatever you want and with whatever you want.


I agree)

So it seemed at first, I read, thought about it, when I become so successful :D but eventually realized that 95% of people who live in this swamp called Forex in real life are LOSERS and FAILS

Not 95% but 99


I have an article on sandwiches - right here. If you want, you can try it out.

The question there is actually very similar - what kind of drawdowns can you expect?

You'll probably have to modify the script slightly (taking into account variable lot) and also check the system for Bernoullianity.

I'm not going to take it up now, it was written too long ago... but the idea remains the same. You can calculate, conventionally speaking, the probability of a "black swan" - a drawdown that you won't see on history, but which is very likely in the future.

The main point of the article is that for some strategies (actually - for most of them, about 80-90%) you can avoid analyzing a chart of a trading instrument, and simply consider a sequence of deals.

After all, at the end of the day, it's all about saving money, not increasing it.

It was a pleasure to reread it. Thank you.

Very soon I will return to studies of TS on martin, dancing from the maximum no-failure history, which is then divided into parts, from which the market entry is implemented using one or another scheme of averaging/reversals till the profit return.

In the past, when it was considered, the profit was more modest than other variants.

I'll post the information in the "Rural" thread.


You get used to a good thing fast))))

And so to "joke" with a well-to-do man over his girlfriend-wife, etc. Honey, I'm bankrupt :D with imitation that there is no money to live poor and the like, for a while, that will be the most interesting thing :D

That's where the moment of truth will come - how much love is worth nowadays)).