Not the Grail, just a regular one - Bablokos!!! - page 194


Where's the code to save the dough?

In the U.S. for example, just remember to bring the paper with you, because there is not enough paper to do that)


In the USA for example, just remember to take paper with you, or there's not enough paper to go around)

The more of these notes spread around the world, the faster the dollar will depreciate and will cost 1.9000 on the Forex market and the euro no less.
So what's going on with the doughboy - is he doughboying or not? How did it end? Did someone solve the Joker's riddle?

I am watching the Joker deals. The channel is more or less stationary in the past - in the region of 2 weeks.
The main problem is that the work is not going inside the channel (towards the swing).
Just the opposite - deals on the breakdown of the channel.
The lots are also non-standard. If we take beta-neutrality as a criterion, they should differ 2-2.5 times.
They may be 7-10 times that much.

Further, the thought process ... (or lack of it:)
Send your ideas, we will think.

Gentlemen, coffee grounds fortune-telling is a casino. Drop this thankless exercise and get busy. There is NO fixed portfolio!

By the way the topic starter.
I made $1000 for a couple of days at grand casino with $100. Spins about 600-700. Initial lot is $5.
Score generator there is good, like certified etc.
Alexander/Nekolla method just like that (like the one he told 7Konstantin7 about the coin).

If I make $10,000, I'll tell you and brag about it:) At 100 times - that will be the required 10000%:)

Unfortunately any martini variants do not live long on the forex anyway.


I've never been told anything about the coin, I've just been playing it, it's free... game, about portfolios and all that stuff, I've written here a hundred times - what it is, and you gentlemen still believe in this crap and fuck around...

the joker... and... he just blurted out some deals... nothing at all... and then he went on and on and on and on... I showed a picture of equity in a portefoil trade with a few thousand orders, even though the trade was short-lived... there were many such tests, in the end it didn't work that long-whatever the luck of the draw...I have written here a lot, I got tired of repeating it, time flies by and everyone keeps asking what's up, they probably cannot read, they are green and will understand in a few years... Generally speaking, it all sucks, they may not believe me but I have fun reading how people are attracted to various topic starters (I had a fun life) they should show me equity and trading in a few months instead of always talking to everyone just to show the obvious, good luck)

Gentlemen, coffee grounds fortune-telling is a casino. Drop this thankless exercise and get busy. There is no fixed portfolio!

I would say more details) I would repeat: there is no portfolio at all, you can trade one pair or several, it's the same thing, we end up with a stupid portfolio with many pairs, one price chart - one tool, so it's easier to trade on it) trade on one pair, we get one stupid pair from many pairs, people find it hard to understand the obvious, but they get smarter with age.
Guys, I understand that beggars like me are very disliked, but I'll try it anyway, can anyone point me to the page where the essence of the method is laid out? 194 I can't...
where is the essence of the method laid out?

she's not here.

it's a joke thread for banter and gossip.