Not the Grail, just a regular one - Bablokos!!! - page 133


What are the laws of motion/development that TA uses?

The same onesaccording to which your heart beats or the Earth revolves around the Sun - pl ... how beautifully said!

They're all talking rubbish here.

After they got in a deadlock with their experiments, they describe them here without any specifics or confirmations, hoping that someone's thought will push them to new ideas, or rather in the right direction.


They're all talking rubbish.

After being stumped by their experiments, they talk here without any specifics or evidence, hoping that someone else's idea will push them to new ideas.

Are you talking to me?

I responded to the man with regards to adversa. Where you found experiments in several of my posts I don't know.


Are you talking to me?

I replied to the person in relation to the adversa. Where you found experiments in several of my posts I do not know.

No, not you. other comrades in the field. especially this many-faced schemer.

I don't think the man understood anything from your answer (not everyone can call it an answer).


Are you talking to me?

I responded to the man in relation to the adversa. Where you found experiments in several of my posts I don't know.

well, what are the laws of "motion/development" according to which "the instrument being analysed changes" and "your heart beats or the Earth revolves around the Sun"?

I wonder...


Why are you picking on the man? So he believes in TA, let him believe, but what if, for real, the proof is found. Immediately it will become not a belief, but the law.

After all, in fact, it is interesting with modules. And somehow strange to me that this mathematics has no application. It seems, here it is, a regularity, but not to take with the bare hands.

As for ideas, I, and most, at a glance, can provide a dozen. Who will prove their viability? Not throw words, namely matte evidence or statistical research. All will be limited as always, common phrases and pitched at each other about incompetence.

If you want to bother, just above I have set the task. The analytical solution, confirming the results of montecarple, myself have not found.

what's so interesting about modules?

the mathematical trick of the "cheat".

even a toddler will intuitively realise that if you choose 99 out of 100, there is a 99% probability.


Maybe the trick, only all the "proof" of how it works and how ineffective it is for earning money is only available in a spreadsheet, not in formulas. Consequently, we don't know for sure, perhaps there are options when this trick will be effective.

It turns out that everyone is not in a better position than that man. He BELIEVES it works and the others BELIEVE it doesn't. So whose faith is stronger? Shall we measure by the number of believers? _http://минималтехно.рф/demotivators.php?s=226


No, not you. other comrades in the field. especially this many-faced schemer.

I don't think the man understood anything from your answer (not everyone can call it an answer).

My fault for misleading you.

By TA I mean Adverse Tactics, not technical analysis as is generally accepted. Accordingly, by saying that TA is built on the same laws that govern price movements, I did not mean technical analysis at all. As for answering the questions about which laws, how they influence prices, why they influence prices and what is derived from them in terms of analysis and forecasting in the context of conversion, more than enough has been written during the last decade. There is no point in duplicating it all here.

All I wanted was to clarify a statement made by one of the participants in this thread.



why complicate it all with formulas, and scientific terms? (maybe i'm not good at it, so i don't understand)
it's easy to check it in practice as well.
It all comes down to a good old-fashioned coin, with a bit of fuss.
Of course, if you can think of a game where if you bet 99 out of 100, you win 99 units and lose < 98 units, you can make money.
Or you could also come up with a game where heads or tails fall more often...

What Used wrote about the series on the coin, and assigning numbers to them etc. is complete nonsense, it's the same coin.

But I still believe in the existence of a clever method to make money on SB.
if you think of a game in which a bet of 99 out of 100 results in a win of 99 and a loss of < 98.
if you come up with a game where heads or tails fall more often...

and also if you come up with a coin that goes on the flip side, then............

But unfortunately, more often than not we have to play games in life that we didn't invent.