Not the Grail, just a regular one - Bablokos!!! - page 106

It's all great, but trivial, you'd better voice your opinion on the file (look carefully at the last post on page 101).

Doughnuts in dreams are not doughnuts, they are dreams.

As the classic said.

That's what I'm saying: you are useless in business, because you have no comments. And without comments and proofs it is like Fourier, said that a theorem and basta, and that theorem, but not a hypothesis, only after 360 years it turned out.
That's what I'm saying: you are of no use in business, because without comments. And without comments and proofs it is like Fourier, said that the theorem and basta, and that the theorem, but not a hypothesis, only turned out 360 years later.

And the point remains the same: the roulette ball does NOT calculate the incremental modulus differences, which means it falls out in the most random way possible.

Only a SERIES OF REAL-TIME TRADING SIGNS WITH A STATISTICS OF SUCCESS THAN 50 ON 50 can change the given point of view in a person...


I may agree with you and the previous speaker, but faith is not enough, one wants proof. You (in the last line of your letter) voiced what would be the proof, not the very thing.

ZS. everything refers to a specific file. Why is the graph up? I am poking around in it now, I will soon announce the result.


I may agree with you and the previous speaker, but faith is not enough, one wants proof. You (in the last line of your letter) voiced what would be the proof, not the very thing.

ZS. everything applies to a specific file. Why is the graph up? I'm poking around in it right now, I'll soon be reporting the result.

I'm more than sure that you will find the reason for the "graph up" in the STATISTICAL properties of the sequences of END LENGTH.

For example.

Take an 8-bit binary sequence. Out of all possible combinations of 8 zeros and ones IN TOTAL there will be 0 and 8 ONE COMBINATION (with 1/256 probability), and the sum of 4 is already (I do not seem to remember exactly) 70 combinations. And I already have 70 times more probability of being at 4 after 8 outcomes than I do of being at 0 or 8.


Therefore, I understand and accept the calculation on the statistical properties of the sequence. And to accept the change in the probability of the outcome in one next shot depending on the results of the previous ones - does not allow common sense.


I was sure, which in principle, and was confirmed that the bets are made on the vast majority of numbers of all possible (sign change almost all the numbers), such as roulette will bet on the 36 numbers and zero and then count how many times the ball hit this range :)))
Dopisil file to bet only if the number of numbers less than or equal to 50% (the range can be set) of all possible. Entries, of course, became much smaller.

The result is that when betting on less than half the numbers in a set, you lose, which is to be expected. And the smaller the range of numbers, the less likely it is to fall into it.

SZY. Up set the range of generation numbers from and to, the range of percentage numbers from the total count for bets, regenerated by F9.

Files:  1363 kb
So what do we do now, people? Is there really no way out? :-(
So what do we do now, people? Is there really no way out? :-(

Think, Kent, think...

Frankly speaking, I can't imagine that one can get a stably growing graph from a random sequence of numbers by means of some transformations. Well, gee whiz...
Nevertheless, if it is true, then it is a matter of technique to attach the algorithm to trade.

I haven't figured out the trick yet, and I don't have the time... We'll do it again at our leisure.

So what do we do now, people? Is there really no way out? :-(
There is only one way out. Don't bullshit and play only games with positive expected payoffs. :)
There's only one solution. Don't bullshit and play only games with a positive expectation. :)

Is that a tag-team game? :)

Can you be more specific?