FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 18: August 2012) - page 39


like an enraged bullhorn, garyu eager for revenge ))))
we can take a bear on bulls (bullocks) and ride up)))
we can bear with the bulls and ride up))))

Ride, but don't scratch ))))

test purchase of gold


the pound seems to be going up.


the pound seems to be going up.

The eu is going up, so the pound could go down.

the eu is going up so the pound may go down
the pound is pumped up with pre-Olympic money, soon it will rally down imho)))) to the 1.49 area
the pound is pumped up with pre-Olympic dough, soon it will rally down imho)))) to the 1.49 area

my calculations are rubbish?)

my calculations suck?)
I'm not a prophet, I'm a pips catcher like you (which Strange here is laughing at))))

my calculations suck?)

yep... you should eat honey pancakes instead of beer, it clears your brain )))) just kidding, all calculations have a right to live and work here )))
More news today, and it's almost all red, so it's probably going to be a throw-away.
i'm no prophet, i'm just like you, pips catcher ( strange is laughing at)))))

(and rightly so, after all you should make some dough instead of nibbling at it for three days in a row and losing three times as much on the fourth))) so scolding me I take only pasitively )))