FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 18: August 2012) - page 839

Don't give in to provocation, we're going to kick the bears in the horns ))))
strangerr even though you don't know me and I haven't made you angry, it's good to see you here!!!

credit !!!!!! =) that's funny =)

Strange, no offence, almost everyone here trades intraday and I do too and sometimes go into a pullback, that's not a bad thing it's just the kind of TS that may not coincide with yours.

Above sal in the screenshot
The ban on sales is lifted)))

go get a drink ))))) or you'll be there on Friday for the Chekist )))

A lot of people are getting drunk ... and I'm sipping beer and vodka, please let's stay human, have a good weekend and profits for everyone!

ugh )))))))) I'm melting ))))))))))))))

Euroavstral and Euroselander look at these pairs for anyone interested
A lot of people are getting drunk ... And I'm sipping beer and vodka, please let's stay human, have a good weekend and profit!

Maybe we shouldn't. )))))))