FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 18: August 2012) - page 808


I used to call Emka "honey"))

he finally figured out that i'm a mean, greedy bitch )))) i bought the gold too... i'll take that as a kickback )))

No one is in a hurry )))) I bought it and I think --- but what for?... although lately everything I buy at least 5 pips in buu)))

This is a typical woman's problem)))

he finally figured out that i am a mean, greedy bitch )))) i bought the gold too... i'll take that as a kickback )))

hilarious )))...

It's a typical woman's problem)))

it's not a problem... i got home from work and went straight to the monitor, i should at least buy something today)))))

no problem... i came home from work and went straight to the monitor, i have to buy something today)))))

Was there a sale? )))

I used to call Emka 'honey' ))))

Honey is a reference to a woman who is misguided about something ))))

Was there anything for sale? )))

While I was gone you made a mess, I've been hustling to get the euro out and you fell for my bullshit and made a mess of my work)))

the New Zealander bought very small


So while I was away, you made a mess of everything, I'm puffing on the euro and you're falling for a fart's promises and making a mess of my work)))

The New Zealander's a little short.

The bears were stupid three days ago and now everyone is smart ))))

Honey is a reference to a woman who is misguided about something ))))

but to the eye (it reads) nice ))) (sorcasm is of course understood)))

What a drag! ))
All bankers with their private debts are screwed, because when there is a boom, they buy yachts and villas, when there is a crisis, they hang everything on people.
"And where the hell did this tranche go?
Boris Yeltsin
