FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 18: August 2012) - page 805


This is not a target but a growth potential )))) And it can be adjusted ))))

I see)

A current look at the main indices . Conclusions everyone tries to draw for themselves

how can we draw conclusions if you don't know what's what)))

I was standing about 500 metres away from the aircraft carrier Kiev and saw vertical take-off planes taking off, the noise was so loud that I should have sacked all the designers at once ... Ah, it was a long time ago )). The Euro is slightly improving, while the pound has lined up since yesterday evening, I'd better sit in the cache today and get creative, war is transitory, but music is eternal ))

If I'm not mistaken it's used by the Chinese every day and at the end of the show grandpa Lenin offers to shoot it out of the Aurora... And it was sold as scrap. It doesn't make any noise now. .... Oh, and there's some noodles you can chop there, too.

How can we draw conclusions if you don't know what's what)))

I found what I needed, I even highlighted the colour.

such systems are not discussed in detail here

as there have been many threads on this forum


How can we draw conclusions if you don't know what's what)))

I can not understand why gold and oil have been lumped together, it would be better to lump commodities together.

How may we draw conclusions if you do not know the reasons)))

To the weekly phazzy trend forecast calculation, the professor made two swift corrections on Monday and yesterday. The targets are still flat Thursday-Friday in the area of 1.2470-1.2460.

By the way, the President awarded Viktor (Professor) with the title Honored Worker of Science and Technology on the Independence Day of Ukraine.

I can't understand why gold is lumped together with oil, it would be better to lump commodities together

Why put them together wanted to make a reference point (a kind of analog of rationing)

But in reality it is a complicated issue, of course not fully worked out.


To the weekly phazzy trend forecast calculation, the professor made two swift corrections on Monday and yesterday. The targets are still flat Thursday-Friday in the area of 1.2470-1.2460.

By the way, Victor (Professor) was awarded the title Honoured Worker of Science and Technology by the President on the Independence Day of Ukraine.

Sincerely congratulations from all fans of fairy tales.

all wanted to ask - and what is the % of coincidence on the test sample ? and what is the name of the software (if not secret of course) ...


Why did I connect it, I wanted to make a reference point (like rationing)

but it's actually a complicated issue I haven't really worked out.

I see, I would make the dollar a base, I mean a straight zero line, that would be the most realistic picture, if all currencies are at the top, then the dollar is falling against all and vice versa.


I see, I would make the dollar the base, I mean a straight zero line, that would be the most realistic picture, if all currencies are up then the dollar is down against all and vice versa.

Well then how do you measure the dollar itself?