FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 18: August 2012) - page 680


point the finger where the sales are?

I see the volumes have become super popular and everyone thinks they are experts :) Sales just to the left of the latest purchases? И... you win a million!!!!!
I see the volumes have become super popular and everyone thinks they are experts : ) Sales a little to the left of recent purchases? И... you win a million!!!!!

not true...i'm a limey...and i'm in awe of grown men finding something these incomprehensible dashes)))
I see the volumes have become super popular and everyone thinks they are experts :) Sales a little to the left of recent purchases? И... you win a million!!!!!

there's no pointing to the sky where it's going or finger-pointing where the wind blows )))) what was your profit yesterday?

at 22mc sharp drop in the euro...the pendos in breaking the debt houses have discovered the world's largest gold deposit...mining is possible open pit )))

and oh wonder all this coincided with tantrik shorts and publication of FOMC minutes )))) so cheerful ?)))

... the eu broke down and the eu broke down ... (on waves)

not true...i am a limey...and i am in awe of grown men finding something these incomprehensible lines)))

and me... and me... more... more... thank you !!!!
Hello all. Any news on the Greek debt renegotiation?
... the euras have broken down Yi has broken down ... (on waves)

that's a long way to Fourier's ))))

I see the volumes have become super popular and everyone thinks they are experts :) Sales a little to the left of recent purchases? И... you win a million!!!!!

You can look at the chart and you don't need any fancy software.

I see the volumes have become super popular and everyone thinks they are experts :) Sales just to the left of recent purchases? И... you won a million!!!!!

Let's put it another way, if it doesn't get there. Where are the sales?


You can look at the graph and no complicated software is required.

There was a growth on nothing, which will stop as soon as the big players leave and if the bears are not pushed to the end, everything will collapse.