FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 18: August 2012) - page 497


dollar-yen sold

the possibility of an upward spurt in the eurobucks is high...


dollar-yen sold

thepossibility of an upward spurt in the eurobucks is high...

Agreed, but hopefully we will go down a bit more, the millers didn't seem to be covered in droves yesterday and there was a refill.
Shouldn't we have a bit of a troll before the news breaks?
How about a little trolling before the news breaks?
See how the branch is frozen, not even a rustle can be heard, scary word spoken )))

and what do we do - when the price goes out of the box ?
See how the branch is frozen, not even a rustle can be heard, scary word)))

yeah... the crowd is obscenely serious ))))

and what do we do - when the price goes out of the box ?
Draw a new one)))

yeah... the crowd is obscenely serious ))))

a tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye if anything, and then cuddling and bubbling songs until morning (not about anyone personally) that's the USSR )))
Drawing a new one)))

So it's already out on the screenshot. That's why I asked.