FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 18: August 2012) - page 447

This uncertainty is what ruins it... You have to draw in a certain way, and nothing else. If there's no point of reference, all construction is pointless... you as a builder should know that... I think so (this is instead of an IMHO)
January 1, 1970 )))
1 January 1970 )))

methaquotes will be advised ))))
and I'm not flattened, but I've had a lot of watermelon.
What are you, Emoshkin's football player, or am I confused again? Emo, check it out, I think Tantric finished your watermelon...
The top line of the table is the traded volume. The second line is the difference between purchases and sales, the so-called delta. The third line is the cumulative delta. I do not know what the hell it is, according to my observations the bigger the number, the stronger the bullish trend, the smaller the stronger the bearish one. Also good results, for perception, when the chart shows not only volumes but also delta.
But also for a normal delta the higher the number the stronger the bulls and the smaller the stronger the bears? After all, delta is the difference between euro buyers and sellers. But when I open a EUR sell position in the terminal, my contract gets to the Bid value, and when I close it, my contract should increase Ask value, if I understand correctly? I do not understand the units of volumes, the Bid and Ask values, what are they measured in? How to determine who bought who sold, if at opening and closing of differently directed positions you can order either in Bid or Ask?
What are you, Emoshkin's football player, or am I confused again. Emo check it out, I think Tantric finished your watermelon...

He probably finished it)))

What from... an excuse?

They screwed me, they agreed to pay me 150 thousand tenge and paid me three times less... who cares ... it's not the first time))

How you draw is how you see it)))

as at 4 o'clock we go from the top line of the channel, looking down on the's as simple as that...


I think I've smoked it)))

I was wondering where the peelings went ))))))

Does this index only work with euro or can it track other dollar pairs as well?


I was cheated, the deal was for 150 thousand tenge and they paid me three times less... who cares ... not the first time))


I got screwed, the deal was for 150 thousand tenge and they paid me three times less... I don't care... it's not the first time)))

Take receipts ... or better yet, tell the guys ... if you have them ... if you have no problems ... then it would be a shame to cheat on girls ... you can safely spit in the face ...