FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 18: August 2012) - page 425

It's like a bazaar )))) Honestly ))))
Can I ask the IT guys for a link to check the computer, because all the freebies are such G...
You can))) Catch -
Hi all, I ate a lot of food yesterday-\ where are we going? I'm in the village-) yesterday's was knocked out overnight, I'm back in again, I like to piss against the wind-)
Hi all, I ate a lot of food yesterday-\ where are we going? I'm in the village-) yesterday's was knocked out overnight, I'm back in again, I like to piss against the wind-)
I'm still in the village yesterday, waiting...

Come on, "fighter", let's go get a drink of water... you're talking about nothing...

and people like you won't last long on a mission. They don't respect assholes. (though how would you know) you don't even know that someone doesn't give a fuck about a gun to the head.

But you imagine you've been treated so badly and disrespected for so long that you decided to play hardball online.
let's talk about the head tied to the down or the throat from ear to ear red... you're a fighter, what are you embarrassed about?

))))))))))))) another armature batyr )))) you dirty scumbag shoba aken ayzyn sygyin your stupid face you're just a stool head, get out of here catzhalar vanyu...

sorry guys, i won't swear anymore)))

Hi all, I ate a lot of food yesterday-\ where are we going? I'm in the village-) yesterday's was knocked out overnight, I'm back in again, I like to piss against the wind-)

Gettin' high and gettin' tradin'. ))))

))))))))))))) another armature batyr )))) hear you, you filthy bastard shoba aken ausyn sygyin your stupid face, you simple stooge-headed stooge, go away...

sorry guys, I won't swear anymore)))

how menacing ))))
I've been in the village since yesterday, waiting...

Waiting for the weather, fuck it) Step 10-20 points into the used ones and don't worry about it) it'll knock it out-\
let's have a chat about the head tied to the down or the throat from ear to ear red... you're a fighter, why be embarrassed?
I heard some tropical worms are causing this kind of behavior. What was your "stool" like this morning?