FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 18: August 2012) - page 386

Well this is what we have left, otherwise one cannot learn so many languages, there must be an international language of communication otherwise communication with the former republics will be lost, of course it's their fault, on the contrary it should be preserved, it is an achievement of the former USSR, even if it would be Yakutian it's not so important, what matters is that it is known in many countries of the former Soviet ...
No, it's not. I try to speak the local language in those countries where I visit. In Germany in German (I speak it better than anyone else), in Italy in Italian (a very beautiful language, but so far I do not give it), in Turkey in Russian (where everyone speaks it). And in Russia and Motherland in his native language:)))). By the way, in Poland, too, all is clear only they Russian kovekuyut, and when they say in Russian they also understand everything, but pretend that not ;)))
the grandmother is ukrainian from zaporozhye...

Me too )Maybe we will be relatives)

Enlightened thanks, gap in knowledge)))
What is it to you, who was born where, what are the ideas and the priority in time - that's the main thing.

Yes, all the way to closing time.

Try not to ask others, they hardly know anything about it and neither does Fedya Michurin.


Me too )maybe we'll be related)
What is it to you, who was born where, what ideas and priority in time are the main thing.

After the collapse everything devalued, but if there is no memory, then who are you in this world? in europe, although to fuck up gender relations and after that you will not call your child a son or daughter and they cannot father you - is that right, the main thing?
I don't. I try to speak the local language in the countries I visit. In Germany I speak German (I speak it better than anyone else), in Italy I speak Italian (a very beautiful language, but so far it is not given to me), in Turkey I speak Russian (everyone there speaks it). And in Russia and Motherland in his native language:)))). By the way, in Poland, too, all is clear, but they Russian Kovekuyut, and when you tell them in Russian they also understand everything, but pretend that not ;)))
There are reasons for that, lots of Poles were shot by the Soviets back then, so there is a trace left, time will heal the wounds ...
Will Draghi announce LTRO2 next week? Am I dreaming already or is there an ECB INSIDER amongst us?:)))))))))))

After the collapse everything devalued, but if you have no memory, then who are you in this world? in europe, although you can't call your child a son or daughter and they cannot call you a father after that - is that right, the main thing?

family don't call family, what are you talking about, come to your senses.

the memory is gone, treat it.

devaluation of conscience, it's evil, what's devalued?!