FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 18: August 2012) - page 237

All day in the heat with a shovel. Try it!

Thanks, I went through that stage when I was 16 or 17, I prefer to think a bit and piss for money\.
Guys, I can't read anymore, it's spelled sorry.

I agree... you have to know Russian... which is difficult with a 3rd grade education)))

Given the focus of the class, the strength has to be in maths...statistics...research...tests...

Don't blame me, gentlemen, but this is my second week on a real account. Before that I spent two weeks on the demo account. I have smoked a little bit and decided to give it a try. So who, if not you, may give me some tips and teach me? I bow to the Elders in deep RESPECT for the help they are giving.
I don't consider myself an elder, but I know for a fact - two weeks is very little. Six months of demoing on other people's strategies will give you an awareness of what you need to learn, and when you start asking specific questions, they will answer them for you. And now the question sounds like - "How can I make easy money?" No one knows the answer.
I prefer to replace mental work with physical work. It's a better way to rest.

Thank you, I went through that stage when I was 16 or 17, I prefer to think a bit and piss for money\.
It's not like I'm asking questions like that.
I don't consider myself an elder, but I do know that two weeks is very little. Six months of demoing other people's strategies will give you an understanding of what you need to learn, and when you start asking specific questions, they will answer them. And now the question sounds like - "How to make easy money?" No one knows the answer.
I don't seem to have any questions like that.
And thank goodness for that.

So much for fairy tales...and good for whoever listened )))...

What about the second and third part, or 20,30 etc. years later?

So much for fairy tales...and good for whoever listened )))...

What about the second and third part, or 20,30 etc. years later?

I don't speak ryuzki... no more stories... sorry...))

I don't speak russki... I'm sorry...))
Is it the little droid's fault?