FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 18: August 2012) - page 56

What's the conference saying!? Who's got news in the terminal!?
Something is bound to come up as an excuse.
I only switch to gold, I'm lucky with it! )) But in extreme cases you can also go for euros.
What's the conference saying!? Who's got news in the terminal!?

15:45 /ECB, Draghi: We discussed a rate change, but the council decided it was not time yet
15:44 /ECB, Draghi: Production and labor market reforms - necessary for growth
15:44 / ECB, Draghi: Fiscal consolidation efforts must continue
15:43 /ECB, Draghi: Significant fiscal consolidation has been done in recent years
15:43 / ECB, Draghi: Structural reforms needed despite fiscal consolidation
15:42 / ECB, Draghi: Banks have to become more resilient
15:42 / ECB, Draghi: Weak lending reflects difficult financial situation
15:41 / ECB, Draghi: Council may consider further non-standard measures
15:40 / ECB, Draghi: The main downside risk is weak growth
15:40 / ECB, Draghi: Rising fuel prices could boost inflation
15:39 / ECB, Draghi: Tax hikes could boost inflation
15:39 / ECB, Draghi: Tensions in financial markets are the main downside risk
15:38 / ECB, Draghi: Correction in current accounts reduces growth momentum
15:38 / ECB, Draghi: Q2 and Q3 show weak growth
15:38 / ECB, Draghi: Downside risks and high fuel prices - options in the medium term
15:37 / ECB, Draghi: Data reflects weak growth and uncertainty
15:36 / ECB, Draghi: Concerns about participation in open markets have merit
15:35 / ECB, Draghi: Governments must be prepared to activate EMS/EFSF in bond markets
15:34 / ECB, Draghi: The euro has no way back
15:34 / ECB, Draghi: High uncertainty weighs on confidence and sentiment
15:33 / ECB, Draghi: Inflation to decline further in 2012
15:33 / ECB, Draghi: Economic growth in Eurozone remains weak
15:33 / ECB, Draghi: Inflation expectations remain subdued
15:32 / ECB, Draghi: Monetary growth remains subdued
I missed it while I was writing.

Write again!!!


I closed all my trades in profit, fuck it with this market, we'll continue tomorrow, I've never been into slalom))
which is all that's left is a shadow...

Yeah, well, I flipped over thinking I'd have to sit this one out... but no, it's going according to plan...

shut it down....... until the market calms down...


Quiet Thursday... Anything coming up on Friday?


Thank you very much!
start it up! and we'll pick it up
15:34 /ECB, Draghi: The euro has no way back

You mean back to the happy past?