Pure maths, physics, chemistry, etc.: brain-training tasks that have nothing to do with trade [Part 2] - page 2


I knew it...

The question could stump anyone, not just Aleksander.

I don't have anything to say yet, I haven't thought about it yet.

Never ask yourself silly questions,
Or else you'll find an even stupider answer (C)

The question was about the Parrondo paradox

What was the question? Ask it to me.
What's the question? Ask it to me).
I too would like a "debunking" of Parrondo's paradox. Here are the links, but they didn't help me http://www.cut-the-knot.org/ctk/Parrondo.shtml, http://seneca.fis.ucm.es/parr/GAMES/inbrief.html
Tomorrow we'll discuss it in private.
What is there to expose? Especially in the first link provided, there is an applet that illustrates this paradox.
Tomorrow we'll discuss it in private.
There's nothing secret there))) Not even grail-like. ... I have a feeling that the paradox itself was invented by Parrondo in collusion with the casino - to cheat more suckers)

Download, unzip, run (can be with a browser), administer, enjoy :) http://depositfiles.com/files/5kqmspn7r

I, too, would like a "debunking" of Parrondo's paradox.
There is nothing to expose. "The paradox is based on the player's ability to choose between profitable and unprofitable play. If the player has that option, then there is no problem and no paradox.
There is nothing to expose. "The paradox is based on the possibility of choosing between profitable and unprofitable play for the player.
As always under-read. The paradox is based on alternating between two (or more) losing strategies.