Which is more important - the entrance or the exit? Is the entry point even important? Is the exit point even important? - page 8


2. The number of pips unambiguously determines how much profit the TS squeezes out of rate fluctuations.

3. it shouldn't.

Suppose you catch one swing of 100 pips which you then lose in 10 trades of 10 pips. But according to your calculations the profit factor = 1, while according to my calculation the profit factor = 1/10 and my calculation is more correct.

Well, if we take 10 times 10, and then in one trade we lose 100, then according to you PF=10, i.e. the system becomes super profitable?
The spread? With your maths it's about to turn out that the spread is the head... )))
No. The entry is the head. For any system. Even if it is a system with averaging or/and topping up, martin or anti-matriline. Every next entry is more important than the previous one, especially with a margin.

<< Your mathematicians will understand the following analogy: the solution of a problem appearing after solving partial yes-no questions is analogous to choosing one of the vertices of an N-dimensional cube, while the space of possible solutions is, as a first approximation, all points of the N-dimensional space. Unless you specify, the real dimensionality of the decision space is most often defined incorrectly by you and is very rarely actually integer. >>

The topic can be closed :)
The topic can be closed :)

It's just not quite the right way to put it. Everyone has started calling what's important what's harder for them to do )))).
We can close the topic now :)

I'll give my opinion later) if necessary.

Still, it would be interesting to hear what you think.

It's just that the question isn't quite rightly posed.
It is. And it is deliberately made that way.

Still, it would be interesting to hear what you think.

Entrance is more important. Exit may be important, but never more important than entry. That's my opinion :))
The topic can be closed :)

Absolutely not! :-)

Waiting!, waiting!!! (plural - based on the contents of the posts) when you - cum! :-)

P.S. About "TA or something you don't know about" - no answer yet... I wouldn't like it here either.

Give your opinion on the subject of this branch, INTERESTED!

Entrance is more important. Exit may be important, but never more important than entry. This is my opinion :))

That's not enough. Give details - that's not the answer!