Why do you limit the maximum drawdown on the account? - page 11

Meaning: points of view?
Meaning: points of view?
I mean all of you together. At almost any price point for the maker, there is a lock and it has to be broken in his favour.
Lizanka, I love mentally draining traders' accounts, imagining myself as a maker. Loki is everywhere, at every turn.
Loki, clearing, hedging, etc. And what of it? Did it help you?
I mean all of you together. At almost any price point for a maker, there is a lock and it needs to be broken in your favour.

Another conspiracy theory :(

I mean all of you together. At almost any price point for the market maker, there is a lock and it must be broken in his favour.
If you see what the market maker sees. And there are no sighted ones. If you could see it... or even assumed with more than 50% probability, there would be a grail without any averaging properties and other trash)

Another conspiracy theory :(

It's not a theory, it's reality. Maker always works with lokas.
It's not a theory, it's reality. Maker always works with loci.
What's the matter with the maker (or rather the clearing house) - are we talking about the first billion (maker)?

No, no, no, I didn't finish. You know what Vladimir's problem is? He's contradicting himself.

Let's say his stop on the short was triggered. And then, suddenly (like in a fairy tale) he decides to go long. But a question arises. If he thinks the price will go the other way.
why did he close the previous position by a stop loss? If he did not close it, it would go to zero or to profit.

Thus, a stop on the short position contradicts the new long order. Do you feel the contradiction?

Bye-bye :))

Here I make Vladimir three or four more zig-zags of the price in the flat, or the trend is longer by several dozens of points - he will wipe his deposit with an 80% drawdown.
You see, Lizanka, how bad I am.

You can't be so bad!)) Why are you so bad?) You probably do not have enough sex - hence the aggression because of excessive testosterone))))

We need to do something about it!


Just, he realised he was in the wrong direction :) A stop triggered - he flipped ...

By the way, in "reversals and corrections", I gave an opportunity to simulate such a situation.