Why do you limit the maximum drawdown on the account? - page 7


What's so primitive about borrowing? To the fuck, not the money in the account, but the CU to the fuck.
Can't you see the irony? That's what I'm talking about))))))))
sever32: 1. The investor's funds must be equal to the maximum drawdown declared by the trader.

What if the trader screws up and there is a larger drawdown?
Can't you see the irony? That's exactly what I mean))))))))

my bad, i'm serious)
What if the trader screws up and has a bigger drawdown?
That's not supposed to happen. The assumption is that there won't be a bigger drawdown. And it is bound to happen.

And if the trader screws up and there is a larger drawdown?

If a trader screws up, it means that he will lose something that he was really ready to lose.

As for the trader, I do not know why he/she has to invest in the future.


In a nutshell, why do we invest extra money, traders and investors alike?

What makes you think it is extra?
What is the probability of a 20% drawdown and a 100% drawdown?
That's not the assumption. The assumption is that there will be no more drawdown. And it will definitely happen.

Why do you think it is more probable, if my 99% drawdown is less likely than yours, for example 20%?

I have all the tools "working" (100%) and you have some of them (20%).

I'll lose mine and you will lose yours, but then you'll add the rest and you'll lose it again.

sever32: Why do we invest extra money, traders and investors alike?

I honestly tried to explain, but was not heard....)))
sever32: This means that the investor sells what he is really prepared to sell.

Why drain everything?

You said a 20% drawdown was declared and then all of a sudden it's all gone.

This is exactly why the investor's losses are limited, because the trader first declares a 20% drawdown, and then he drains everything and declares that the investor must be prepared to drain everything. What does that have to do with losing everything if the trader says the drawdown is 20%?

And the investor is not ready to drain everything, he is ready to lose 20%. Are you forbidding him to do that? ))))


I honestly tried to explain, but was not heard....)))
Because you are saying what everyone else thinks, counting on the axiom of your position.