FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 17: July 2012) - page 533


E portsan ur du lulum!

You have to keep it. Both the masterpiece and the context.
Yeah. I also remember the idea of refining the "God's finger" TC, but alas, it was not meant to happen.
Almost lost my mind.
Nearly went mad (out of my mind)
What's wrong?
What is it?

Rita, I'm an advocate of simple solutions.

Rita, I am an advocate of simple solutions.
How's that working out for you?
It depends...
It depends...
I see. Well, for me, stability is important. Making money on Forex is hard work, not a game, which requires maximum attention, calculation, information, diligence, mental attitude, etc. etc.

US Treasury Secretary Geithner's speech at 23 Moscow time

I wonder what he will say )))

US, Geithner: Europe should do more to combat the crisis

- European authorities must allay the fears of the markets
- Europe's problems cannot be solved by a single action
- Europe has the financial capacity to solve the crisis
- Points out the resurgence of political extremism in Europe
- The Greek government wishes to remain in the eurozone
- Europe will be struggling with problems for the next few years
- China has a very difficult future
Right. Well, for me, it's all about stability. Making money on forex is hard work, not a game, which requires maximum attention, calculation, information, diligence, mental attitude, etc. etc.

If you think about it, let me know.

"It's a long way from you to me, from me to you just call:) "