FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 17: July 2012) - page 291

good little by little, we made it yesterday)

it's bullshit (it's about the highlighted)

here's a picture of m5 two arrows, two lows - yesterday and today what's the difference? yesterday you see shadows being bought out and today they are drawing (today is lame) and the eu has not yet reached today's low.

The pair I wrote. at the beginning of the week I also wrote about it, it already passed 60pp, about 40-50pp is left to go and the bounce will start.

Read the pair I wrote about. at the beginning of the week I also wrote about it. it has already passed 60pp, about 40-50pp is left to go and the bounce will start.
but then down....
but then down....

more likely. but not a strong bounce to the north. should knock the passengers off.

something is so boring about everything...


something is so boring about everything...

information in m1,m5,m15 candlesticks - observe (find what you don't know) and now you're wasting your time with these bricks.

The pair read which I wrote. and look. at the beginning of the week I wrote about it too, it has already passed 60pp. about 40-50pp is left to pass and the rebound will start.
I do not know how much is left, I used to look for euro and pound, but I have to make correct forecasts for both the euro and the pound (and I do not need it, one euro is enough). But what are the volumes? - I do not believe that the euro pound can move the eurobucks! According to the TA there should be a correction for the new year - it has not happened - do not give? - no! - there is nothing to correct there - just a revaluation.
I do not know how much is left, I used to look for euro and pound, but on one condition, I have to make correct forecasts for the euro and pound (and I do not need it - one euro is enough). But what are the volumes? - I do not believe that the euro pound can move the eurobucks! According to the TA there should be a correction for the new year - it has not happened - do not give? - no! - there is nothing to correct there - just a revaluation.

I understand that your credibility is strong here. i don't disagree, but the charts look very much like a reversal.

and other currencies are at or near 40-50p levels.

It feels like something very global is about to start. Is it all going to spill over to the americans because of the debt?


I realise you have a lot of credibility here. I don't disagree, but it looks like a reversal on the charts.

and other currencies are at or near 40-50p levels.

I have a feeling something very global is starting to happen. is it all going to spill over to the americans because of the debts?

I do not need an opinion, I need money , I just wanted to give my thoughts on the euro, where is the reversal?

who all? - It's not a problem to go 500pp in any direction (and to come back the same way) - the computer is moving the quotes - where is everyone?


Hi! ))) It turns out I need to go to a pharmacy, they sell all sorts of candles )))))))

Drunk bull trader walks into a drugstore:
- I hear you got candles, give me some.
- What do you want, hemorrhoid or birth control?
- I'll have a white one, and a long one...